The despondent correspondent Rebirth of a Nation or the rise of - TopicsExpress


The despondent correspondent Rebirth of a Nation or the rise of Rugged Individualism REBIRTH OF A NATION and RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM Dr. Jim Gschwind The Despondent Correspondent I purposely didnt stay up last night to watch returns. I was convinced going into this that the voters of this great nation would reject the national socialism which Obama and the democrats had given them a sampling of. There are those who would say that this was the pivot point where history would determine whether this great nation would survive as a republic or sink into the depths of an ism, whether socialism, communism, national socialism or any other ism that I was taught were bad for this country. I believe what we witnessed is a NEW GREAT GENERATION which I predicted and prayed would occur that would give us a new movie by Cecil B Demille (if he were still alive) called Rebirth of a Nation, showing the victorious struggle of the common man and woman against the all powerful machine. Thank-you teaparty for inspiring the voters into some common sense and a sense that we DO control our own destiny as a nation. Perhaps there were many who thought that instant coverage the minute the polls closed would give us relief from the voter anxiety we felt. I for one am glad the networks did not pre-empt early normally scheduled shows for results with only 1 to 5% of the vote in. One of our local stations started at 9pm central time to cover the election which I thought was pretty wise. It was anticlimatic for me as here in Florida as I voted three weeks ago. We have an election month not day or week of early voting. I live in a county comfortably surrounded by people and friends who think like me and outnumber the democrats and progressives as well as independents by 3 to one ratio and most of us knew how our local republican and tea-party candidates would fare and they did fare well. We are blessed with the common sense to know that isms of any stripe, color or shape have no place in our society and we still have the old fashioned sense of knowing that a man or woman has strong rugged individualism and that is a good quality since it is the same quality that tamed the west and conquered this great nation. It wasnt so called presumed freedoms that made us great, it was the feeling of rugged individualism that spurred people on to settle in new lands and carve out their own destinys. In my retirement of volunteerism, since I live in Florida, perhaps I can become a gentleman farmer as I have loved to plant and raise things my whole life? I wonder what it takes to get a license to grow medical marijauna now that its legal in Florida? (Its a joke people!). Not a bad idea though the way the country is going on the subject. Now that it seems States and individuals are taking back some of their constitutional rights perhaps the super federal state will understand they cant run over us as they have in the past. Congratulation for my local super common sense candidate and friend Rob Williamson, I am sure we will hear and see more of this great individual in the future. I hate to see him rise through the ranks as a voter because we need him HERE, but his talent is too great to keep briddled in local problems when he can bring so much to our state and nation. So I reluctantly continue to support this fine candidate for further offices, reluctant only selfishly because we dont want to lose him from local politics. Perhaps those nay-sayers and progressives who think that us conservatives who worried about losing our country were always walking around UNHAPPY only because we disagreed with them will not have that to throw at us any longer because......NOW WE ARE HAPPY. It is a temporary happiness because as it has been in the past, we will not see how these new legislatures once the newly elected freshmen do as we sent them there to do or will they fall on their swords as others have in the past and fall victim to the treacheries of Washington DC? Time will tell and we must keep an eye on them or this victory is for naught. Prayer would help dont forget. Until next time, I remain your loyal despondent correspondent (not so despondent anymore).....
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:14:44 +0000

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