The devil caught me with my head down, he got so excited.... Until - TopicsExpress


The devil caught me with my head down, he got so excited.... Until I looked up, and said. Amen. In this time of unexplainable grief, it is much easier for me to cry than to laugh, it is much easier to curse than to pray, it is much easier to doubt than to trust, a lot more easier to become a loser, let the evil take over than to stand up carrying a burden, struggle to survive and show the world I can be a winner. Today at the lunch table, Dad spoke about spiritual warfare. I came to realize it is true, the war on earth is a reflection of the war in heaven. God must need a lot of angels up there. A few days ago, my brother had a dream.... He saw Adam, not the little baby Adam that we know, an entirely different one, but of course the same Adam, my boy... In his dream, he was arm-wrestling with a man, 64 tall, very good-looking, muscular, and very strong. He was very nice too, my brother remembers how he enjoyed losing every round of the wrestling, really funny cos my brother normally would not accept defeat. During the last round, a man came to them, he said Chief, hanap ka! My brother realized it was Adam, when the man he was arm-wrestling with stood up, got his hand to bless and said. Tito, alis po muna kami. My brother, who is a very tough man too, woke up in tears. Recollecting the incidents of his dream was very easy, again, he knew he was not dreaming, it was surreal. He reflected on the word Chief as Adam was addressed by a fellow. And then he was sure that Adam is a strong Angel up there, leading a troop against the evil. He is a Chief, Chief Angel Adam! I was so delighted! There is war everywhere, here and up there. And while God took Adam to join His army, He also recruited a lot of people here on earth, that includes me, my family, and you! We all started to be in the Lords army, we battled evil by praying and avoiding sin, by holding on to our faith in Him. I knew Adam had a mission, I have always accepted the mission and will support it all the way. If Adam lived, one priest who annointed him felt and told us that Adam has a special calling, he could be a preacher, or a priest. He does not know what the calling was in specific, but he was sure that Adam has a mission, like the saints and the holy men who were disturbed by devils cos the devil did not want them to live. And yes, I am a proud mother here. I promise you, we will fight the devil! I will stay with you, with God. As we put the armors on, I pray for God to lead us to be loyal, and direct us on how we may serve Him. And though it is easier to be overpowered and to lose, in Jesus name, we will all be winners! #AMEN
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 09:34:12 +0000

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