The devil is a liar! He wants to detour you from the presence of - TopicsExpress


The devil is a liar! He wants to detour you from the presence of God and he’s willing to do any and everything to do that. He wants to get you to a point where you throw in the towel and step back from the Lord. But I come with a word of encouragement; stand strong my friend. Stand strong in the Lord and know that God will give you strength to endure any and every situation. The Lord tells us that He won’t put more on us than we can bare and the enemy knows this. Because the enemy knows God’s burdens are light, the enemy will take the littlest things and place it under a microscope to make your circumstances and burdens appear to be bigger and heavier than what it actually is. As I walk with Christ and continue to do His will, one thing I realize is that the enemy is persistent; persistent to stop me and anyone else who seeks to do the will of God. To a typical person, these things may seem little, but I want to expose the enemy. Many times, the enemy will send a spirit of doubt, sickness, intimidation, fear and etc to you with the purpose of tormenting and discouraging you. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that,” God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” This scripture lets us know that God is not the author of fear nor has he given us the spirit of fear (which often times is entered by doubt and intimidation); instead what He has given to you and I is power. It’s time that the people of God (including myself) walk in the authority God has given us as believers. God tells us in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” One way to begin walking in the power God has given you is to open your mouth and take authority over the enemy. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Jesus has placed power in our mouth and this is why we must caution what we say. Please don’t be oblivious to the schemes of the devil as he comes to kill, steal and destroy. When the enemy comes against you, bind and rebuke him with your mouth using the Word of God. When I felt myself getting sick and noticed that it was spiritual, I quickly rebuked the spirit of sickness and spoke a scripture of healing upon myself (Isaiah 53:5) in Jesus name. What happen? I was healed and I gave God the praise for it. The enemy didn’t want me to do that, instead what he wanted me to do was come into agreement with him by using my mouth to declare sickness upon myself. Many fall into this trap and I pray that after reading this, you no longer will. Remember, Jesus has given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). Walk in the power God has given you and take authority over the enemy today. God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:01:59 +0000

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