The devil is dressed in Angels clothing. This is the common figure - TopicsExpress


The devil is dressed in Angels clothing. This is the common figure of speech that we heard about how the Evil One lures others. Meanwhile, being of good heart, we feel pity and pay respect to almost all the living elderly regardless of their station in life and rank in the community. Of course, we must be considerate, compassionate, and reassuring in fulfilling obligations towards a 90-year old man like Senator Enrile. However, being the most senior of all the rest of the Senators in the Senate, he should have shown himself of having the highest moral and ethical values. He should have portrayed the ways of a hero or a protagonist and not of the antagonist or a villain so that the young Senators would have emulated and idolized him. But what came out of his being the most senior was the opposite. He became a suspect. He turned a villain. He clothed himself with an Angels clothing being a man with a title of a Senator but performed a different role by allegedly misusing the PDAF. And at the end, he faces to be jailed. As an old man, he claims he couldnt be arrested, attesting his age as his affidavit of freedom. In the minds of those who are like him, an elderly, this is a most grievous and sinful act. Old people must turn to repentance of their sins being their years on earth are already very limited. And so, they must confess and reform themselves while they are still given the time and the years to do it. In fact, these elderly should practice more of turning to God every day and exercise more good and admirable acts rather than turning to evil deeds. Unfortunately, Senator Enrile is an exemption of being an elderly. Why is this so? I guess, he seems to make himself feel as if hes still young and strong by allegedly conspiring with others to commit an act of stealing the peoples money. What an old one? A rare breed is he, indeed.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:31:12 +0000

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