The devil only tries to shove you down and hold you back when - TopicsExpress


The devil only tries to shove you down and hold you back when youre being lifted up and moving forward....... When you cant figure out why certain things are happening, you have to trust its for a reason. When you cant make sense of things you are going through, you have to trust its for a purpose. When you are beyond confused by why life has become an uphill battle, you have to trust that you are to just keep climbing. When you dont understand why youre being tested, you have to trust its for a lesson you need to learn. When it doesnt make sense, when it seems all for not, when it feels overwhelming, you have to trust its exactly what you are supposed to be going through to get to exactly where you are supposed to be. When the devils attacking, God has put you in that fight for a reason.... you dont give up, you fight, AND you trust. Doubting, questioning and quitting is exactly what the devil wants. But faith and trust will renew your strength to remain in the battle until you win the war.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 15:01:51 +0000

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