The devil sure is busy. LET ME TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.... I - TopicsExpress


The devil sure is busy. LET ME TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.... I went into town to the grocery store to do some shopping. I unloaded my cart as the cashier was scanning my merchandize. When she finally finished and gave me the total, she asked me if I were using a food stamp card. (ASSUMPTION #1) and I let it slide, but she didnt ask the woman ahead of me if she were using a food stamp card. I told her no I was using a credit card. I swiped the card and of course it was good. She handed me a receipt to sign and I asked her for a pen. THIS HEIFER had the nerve to tell me to just scribble something on it or put my X on it. (DAMN ASSUMPTION #2) too many. I couldnt let that slide. The devil came visiting and brought some kin people.I told her first you assumed that I had food stamps and now you assume that I cant write. Why in the hell is that?? WHY??? as I got louder. DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE THAT HAS TO MAKE AN X? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK I COULDNT WRITE MY OWN NAME OR HAD TO MAKE AN X?.....She stands there in complete shock that this black woman is ripping her a new ass. Here comes the manager or somebody....didnt matter..... Before he could say a word I said STAY OUT OF THIS ITS BETWEEN ME AND THIS as I pointed to her. Then I said to her can you write? She said yes of course. I said can you sign your name. SHe said yes, of course I can. Then I let her ass have it. Then what in the hell makes you think that I couldnt? Do you know me? She said no. Do you know my damn name. She said no. I said of course not but yet you assume that just because my skin is dark, that Im on food stamps and I cant write. APOLOGIZE. She just stood there. I said APOLOGIZE. She looked at the coworker and I said honey you need to look to Jesus because right now hes the only one that can help you. APOLOGIZE, NOW. Her boss or whatever said apologize to her, now. Old girl she turned beet red and her eyes got bloodshot. She had to be about 60-65. She said Im sorry. I said, you said that not me and I agree with you. Youre a sorry ass something and I left. I remember a time when I would have beat the brakes off her butt.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:28:46 +0000

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