The devil was not trying to decieve Jesus with a lie when he asked - TopicsExpress


The devil was not trying to decieve Jesus with a lie when he asked Jesus to worship him. Luke 4:6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; FOR THIS HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ME, and I give it to whomever I wish. Notice Jesus did not even argue, cos its true. I think some of us are misunderstanding the point... Most of us (christians) have left the substance and are chasing after shadows, shadows that the devil has created, cos all in the name of dominion we chase material things forgeting that Christ gave us a mandate to make disciples of all nations. We will be rewarded for the number of disciples we make not the billions we made or even gave out. Heres why the devil is the god of this age, he keeps us busy chasing after world domination, we keep trying to change the system, when GOD says,come away from among them!. You are in the world, but not of the world. Who send you to change what GOD says to come out of??? Come out of the system, disciple people. Here this; IT IS EFFORTS IN FUTILITY TO TRY TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM OF THIS WORLD. We are called to depopulated it, by bringing PEOPLE, SOULS into the awakingning, the Kingdom of GOD, not to merge or mix the two kingdoms together. Our financial empowerment, and materialistic gospel is besides the point, GOD told us to seek HIS Kingdom. The kingdom of this world, and its system would not become the Kingdom of our GOD until the millenia reign of Christ. -Maduka Okere READ YOUR BIBLE, MEDITATE, PRAY, & OBEY GOD...Kuorire
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 06:16:39 +0000

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