The diabolism was practiced for the first time by the demon king - TopicsExpress


The diabolism was practiced for the first time by the demon king Ravana and subsequently by king Hiranyakashipu and Karun. Vibhishana did not want the world to be harmed by the diabolism and so he took a pledge that he would not under any circumstances allow this practice to continue. He was firm in his resolve. He did not allow Ravana to perform the sinful ritual any more. He had taken a vow to stop this practice for ever and that’s why he made the secret known to the world. All of us know that it was Vibhishana whose resolute efforts put an end to Ravana’s sin. However, after Raja Bal, the saudagar-mahajans started practicing the Indrajal – the art of black magic. A number of people belonging to this community were in fact caught red-handed and were punished for practicing occultism. Many a time they appealed for mercy promising the rulers under oath that they would stop it forthwith. They swore in the name of their faith and also of the cow and the pig. On being caught and fearing extreme punishment the saudagar-mahajans stopped, albeit temporarily, their devilish ritual on the mystical eighty four lakh Kundis. But how long could they resist their natural proclivity of committing such acts of profanity? The evil minded people waited for a generation or two and then came back to their old ‘trade’. Since then they have been performing the black ritual non-stop to cause ruination to the world at large. The rulers of the day are hardly aware of their nefarious deeds. They have not bothered to find out what is happening and why it is happening so. As for me, I have only now come to know about their secret designs. Unless they are subjected to torture and intense interrogation they are not going to reveal what actually they are doing. I have told you about their devilish activities and now it is for you – the people of the world, to do everything you can to get rid of the sins being committed by these banias. Then alone, peace and prosperity will return to the world.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 14:04:46 +0000

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