The difference between sugar and cocaine in the comparison picture - TopicsExpress


The difference between sugar and cocaine in the comparison picture is blatant. Im not a neurologist, but those few millimeters in size difference Im sure are significant. Therefore, thats a bit misleading. When you look at things from the perspective of follow the money, everything becomes clear. Those in power, especially in government, are not concerned with public health, public intelligence, etc. They are concerned with power and money. A healthy public does not increase revenue, medication does. This is the reality of the situation. People need to educate themselves and make decisions for themselves, but the American public has increasingly continued to depend on the government to educate and make decisions for the public. But the American public is not merely a victim. Each individual has a brain, and most people have actual functioning brains. Its very hard for me to feel sorry for self-induced obese idiots riding around on scooters in grocery stores throughout the USA which is a significant percentage of the population. Just like we do not excuse the citizenry under Hitler for being manipulated into behaving horrendously, I do not excuse the American publics laziness- both mentally and physically, due to the US Governments propaganda to create an efficient and obedient tax livestock. Citizens need to wise up and take responsibility. Furthermore, in the case of obesity, no one is really holding a gun to anyones head forcing them to buy pop-tarts instead of vegetables and granola, and no one is blocking the doors of gyms across the USA. Theres no legitimate excuse for the obesity in this country, there really isnt.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:59:21 +0000

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