The difference between the apartheid era and now, is the fact that - TopicsExpress


The difference between the apartheid era and now, is the fact that we elect governments into being in a democratic fashion through the ballot. In turn the government officials face critique on what is the mandate of the people entails (this is inherent in diverse and competing society such as the rainbow nation concept , the e-tolls has just set a stage on what governance entails vis a vie want the people need. This debacle tears the thin line of what mandate constitutes and what governance entails. Leadership is now at the helm of the discussion and this again springs the ugly head of personality cult in the political arena. Is it not about time, media plays an instrumental role in educating the masses to the rationale of e-tolls and the holistic projection of the countrys economic agenda in respect to our development. The general public opinion has been swayed by journos and even analyst to disgusting levels of petty political bickering in party affiliations to the detriment of a healthy South Africa. Its clear that the media can set forth a new path, where building the nation with hard core facts becomes central in our developmental agenda and anarchy or so called revolution plays second fiddle. The maturity of the South African economy and the well being of a nation must be transmitted to the young generation and the ill informed people diligently and cautiously, where personal sentiments and dissatisfaction play little role. The journey to economic emancipation is only achieved through putting in place concrete building blocks and not sloganeering. South Africa!!!!!!!wake up and rise and let not the opportunist slaughter you with their ill founded arguments, less we find ourselves in total anarchy and destitution.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 10:01:42 +0000

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