The distinguished Scholar Imam al-Nawawi(r.a) said In - TopicsExpress


The distinguished Scholar Imam al-Nawawi(r.a) said In al- Adhkar:’’ Know that just as the remembrance is deemed desirable, so too is sitting in the circle of its practitioners. The evidence of this is clearly apparent.’’ He mentions some of the authentic prophetic traditions cited above, then mentions this traditions in the sahih of Muslim related by Mu’awiya(r.a) ‘’ Allah’s Messenger(S.A.W) came out to a circle of His companions, and asked them, ‘’ What has caused you to gather together?’’ They replied: ‘’ We have met together to remember Allah the exalted , and to praise Him for having guided us islam and for the gracious favor He has bestowed on us! Then He said: ‘’By Allah , nothing else caused you to meet together? I will surely not extract an oath from you , implying suspicion of You, but Gabriel came to me that Allah the Exalted is TAKING PRIDE IN YOU BEFORE HIS ANGELS’’ reported by Abu Dawud in His sunan, Ibn Majah in his sunsn and Ibn Hanbal in His Musnad. Imam Al-Nawawi(r.a) also mentioned the tradition in sahih Muslim in which Abu Sa’id Khudri and Abu Huraira both testified that Allah’s Messenger(s.a.w) said ‘’ Whenever a group of people are seated together remembering Allah the Exalted, the angels surround them , mercy envelops them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah the exalted mentions them to those who are in His presence. Shaykh al-Zarouq(r.a) said in Ta’sis al-qawa’id ‘’ The granting of general wisdom does not require specific substantiation for its application. This is the case for the public recital of the remembrance and supplications, for its proof is the sacred tradition in which Allah says: ‘’ If someone remembers Me in a congregation, I will remember him in a better congregation .’’ And its proof also include the verse of the Holy Quran: Remember Allah as you remember your Fathers, or with an even more intense remembrance(zikra)’’( 2:200). As reported by Bukhari, Ibn Abbas said ‘’ I was not aware of the peoples’ departure from the ritual prayer in the time of Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w) except by (hearing) the remembrance (following prayer) Public recital of the remembrance was practiced during the Ead festivals, in the wake of ritual prayers , and on the frontiers and journeys. JUMMAH MUBARACK TO ALL OF YOU . MAY ALLAH ACCEPT OUR JUMMAH PRAYERS AND HAILALA.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:54:09 +0000

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