The doctors keep informing me how hard this second surgery and - TopicsExpress


The doctors keep informing me how hard this second surgery and recovery is. All the risk involved and survival info and what not.... It honestly scares the crap out of me. Not the risk or fear of surviving and for how long. The part that scares me is when they say the recovery is harder and longer. The pain and crap I went through last time, being tired, in pain and having to pull It together to get up and walk. Thinking all that has the chance of being even worse is hard for me accept. But then I think of all the good i have left to experience once I get past all the bad. I know i can do this, I have no doubt! God blessed me with the strength I have for a reason. To fight for my life when I need to. Thats what Im going to do. But for this small moment Im going to have a pitty party and feel sorry for myself. Maybe stuff my face with chocolate and ice cream. I think I deserve it! Lol
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:29:58 +0000

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