The dollar died.....Barry - TopicsExpress


The dollar died.....Barry lied *************************************** from Hat Trick Letter: . RUSSIA COULD BE SETTING UP A GOLD FOR OIL TRADE WHICH WOULD TURN THE WESTERN SANCTIONS AND RUBLE ATTACK UPSIDE DOWN... THE WEST WOULD SUDDENLY FIND ITSELF ON THE EXTREME DEFENSIVE... THE KREMLIN WOULD FIND IT EXTREMELY EASY TO SOON POUNCE ON THEIR OWN CHEAP RUBLE CURRENCY, AND TO FORCE A MASSIVE RALLY TO CRUSH THE WALL STREET AND LONDON BANKERS IN THEIR OWN TRAP... LETTING OUT THE HINT OF AN EVENTUAL GOLD-BACKED RUBLE WOULD SEAL THE UPWARD FLIGHT AND THE ANGLO-AMERICAN BANKER SLAM. $$$ A nation with great commodity wealth should never be attacked on its native currency, since too easy to defend and to crush the opponents. The transfer is not direct, but it is very effective and powerful. Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. The West is gradually going to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Putin might seem mysterious, but his moves on the global chess board reveal his savvy and his nations strength. Here and now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas for physical gold, with an intermediate step in the process. He is effectively draining Western gold in much the same manner as China. The Kremlin does it indirectly in the energy for gold trade. The Chinese do it with hidden large purchases from the London shipping docks under pressure. The Petro-Dollar is being lowered into the cemetery plot, already well cushioned in the coffin. The Russian energy policy kills the Petro-Dollar in a way that removes the need by the Saudis, who will soon present the eulogy with a two-faced speech at the funeral. The West is assured to run out of Gold bullion with which to pay for Russian oil, gas, metals, and uranium. This is Checkmate, as the game is over. While the Western players and observing sheeple boast of a weakened Russia, and a downtrodden Ruble currency, and a depleted Russian Central Bank, the wealth is coming to the surface even as the insolvency of the West is made painfully evident. Few people bother to understand what Putin is doing at the moment, and fewer contemplate what his financial strategy is in the future. Simply stated, Putin has put in place a policy for Russia to sell oil & gas in return for physical gold. It is not direct, but it is the tangible end result. The Russian Bear still accepts tainted major currencies (fewer USDollars) as an intermediate means of payment from Western customers, primarily in Europe. But Moscow immediately exchanges these funds obtained from the sale of oil & gas for physical gold. The data bears this out in the officially stated gold reserves of Russia. The dynamics of growth of their reserves is clear enough, for which Putin has chosen not to boast or trumpet. A basic comparison with foreign exchange earnings coming from energy sales over the same period is easy to detect, something the Wall Street mavens ignore. See the Silver Doctors article (CLICK HERE). Think in terms of a hot poker put up Washington and London asses. The movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit was a 2014 film starring Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Kenneth Branagh (superb), and Kevin Costner (miscast) which might have given the current plot away. The Russians gathered USTreasury Bonds, only to dump them on the market and cause a USEconomic crash. Life seems to imitate art, or at least rhyme. When Russia decides that its currency has reached rock bottom, or has endured enough disruption, they will buy back cheap Rubles in the market with massive amounts of USDollars. They hold USTreasury Bonds in the tens of $billions. Their next option will be to then flood the Western market with the surplus of USD, and cause a problem for the USFed which claims to have finished QE programs. The central bank will be forced to soak up the dumped USD en masse. Consider the Putin gambit another brilliant move to re-establish Russias currency in a new emerging monetary system, and thus slam the arrogant financial gamers at work. To be sure, the Kremlin will invite Europe to join, but willingly, with no arm twisting. It will benefit Europe. Later the members of the European Union will splinter and fracture off, one by one, and join the BRICS Alliance with full support for the gold & silver backed currency. To think the moronic USGovt plan was to isolate Russia, with its commodity wealth and 13 time zones. The US foreign policy with a war theme has to be the most blockheaded desperate and stupidly self-destructive policy in modern history. Peter Koenig made parallel remarks. He wrote about the free fall of the Ruble, and a brilliant ploy by Russian economic wizards wrapped in a geopolitical chess game. The world is still hell-bent for hydrocarbon-based energy. Russia is the worlds largest producer of energy. Russia has recently announced that in the future she will no longer trade energy in USDollars, but in Rubles and currencies of the trading partners. In fact, this rule will apply to all trading. Russia and China are detaching their economies from that of the West. To confirm this decision, in July 2014 Russias Gazprom concluded a $400 billion gas deal with China, and in November this year they signed an additional slightly smaller contract, all to be nominated in Rubles and Yuan. The remaining BRICS (Brazil, India, South Africa) plus the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan) and considered for membership since September 2014 are also India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Mongolia, with Turkey also waiting in the wings, these nations will also trade in their local currencies, detached from the USDollar-based Western casino scheme. A host of other nations increasingly weary of the decay of the Western financial system which they are locked into are just waiting for a new monetary scheme to emerge. So far their governments may have been afraid of the emperors wrath, but gradually they are seeing the light. They are sensing the sham and weakness behind Obamas boisterous noise. They do not want to be sucked into the black hole, when the casino goes down the drain. The BRICS and SCO are growing in numbers of nations willing to stand up against the financial tyranny from King Dollar. The USD is dying a horrible death against a background of war to defend it. Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst, and former World Bank analyst.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:23:33 +0000

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