The doomers and gloomers have been hard at it while I slept, bless - TopicsExpress


The doomers and gloomers have been hard at it while I slept, bless their pointed little heads. According to some, humanity has around 15 years (thats a little less than 4 presidential elections, kiddies) before mom (the earth) gets REALLY pissed and orders us out of the gene pool. Living in Alabama, Im sure there are some that are right now checking their supplies of freeze dried porkchops and ammo, eagerly awaiting the moment when they can climb down into their shelters and begin the long, slow transformation into morlocks (actually, a few more years of Faux News and the NRA should do it). But what it sounds like is not the END OF THE WORLD but the Fall of the Empire. The problem lies with the illusion of value humans have developed, and our inability to overcome our primitive natures (Og say this MY pile of shiny rock! Og, dude, thats plutonium...). What is a dollar these days? Someone elses debt. Every dollar you receive does not represent anything of value, but the promise of another that they owe you. To make matters better, this is all built on a shaky and fragile foundation of information stored on an electro-magnetic medium. If the computers go, so does the debt. Most of my life I have watched the transfer of hardcopy to disk (and even more recently, clouds). Now combine this with the insane dependance on fossil fuels to power the computers, and the even more insane refusal of humanity to make the necessary changes to renewable resources and what do you get? Morlocks and warlords Mel Gibson. Oh my. Thank you, George Takei. (yes, I know it is pronounced ay not ie, but allow me a bit of poetic license, hmmm?). And, thanks to Monsanto, spine eating triffids (bullets wont work, morlocks, but Im not gonna tell you what does -- should have let the common core through and fixed it is what Im sayin). The end result? Yet another miserable hundred years of camping out (AKA the Dark Ages). Just enough time to produce really inbred morlocks. Yay! In my view, this aint such a bad thing -- most of the hosts on Faux sNooz will wind up as cutlets in some morlocks larder or as trophy wives for the warlords (I have never in my life seen a bigger group of whores -- even a common street tart has enough self-respect to occasionally tell the truth). Most of the celebrities we pay so much attention to rather than the idiots whom we supposedly hired to mind the store will suffer a similar fate. And as for the idiots (aka the politicians), well, theyll discover that the prestige and power they enjoy readily evaporates in the face of massive starvation and the radical reassignment of resources. Now, at this point, I would like to ruin the gungasm of the morlocks-to-be with a bit of sad news. Humanity may well have done sufficient damage to the ecosystem (particularly the oceans, which we have blithely and brilliantly been dumping our most toxic crap for the last several thousand years and have really gone apeshit in recent decades) that mom may just decide,Screw it! Ill try again tomorrow. Wave bye-bye to atmospheric oxygen, Og. Bye-bye! Or, if she really gets into a temper, she blows her cap (the Yellowstone Caldera) and we get to melt while suffocating and freezing. SWEET! Oh, and of course theres the consideration that none of the big boys want to here -- that maybe the third world countries (many of which aint looking so third world anymore) will all gang up on one (or more) of the developed nations and through a combination of partisan activity, geopolitical savvy, control of the one resource we apparently cant live without (oil, aka black blood of the earth), astonishing business acumen (thank you Harvard and MIT! And Congress for making it so expensive to gain a higher education that only sheiks and industrialists can afford it!) and sheer chutzpah and actually take over, doing unto us that which we have done unto them for the past 100+ years. Fun, huh? But (barring mom really getting into a tizzy) do you know the most likely thing to happen? Things will change. And our descendants will be left mopping up the mess weve made. Just like weve spent a majority of our lives mopping up the mess our ancestors made. Facing down inevitable destruction (even one wrought by our own hands) is more encouraging. So how about we try something new and radical? Instead of dreading/hoping some titanic catastrophe will sweep in and (when all is said and done) fix everything, we roll up our collective sleeves and get about the work our parents, grandparents and great-great-great- to the power of x grandparents should have done, but got so distracted they forgot to do: making the world a better place for future humans. Go ahead. Call me an idiot: youd only be half-wrong. But when you are done with your daily texting and twerking and talking about Beiber the Butthead or whatever, Ill be over here scrubbing and polishing and Id REALLY appreciate a hand. Thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:13:34 +0000

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