The dual spine of carbon express blue streak shafts and arrows - TopicsExpress


The dual spine of carbon express blue streak shafts and arrows testing was much more difficult than expected. In order to test the front versus the rear spine, the normal span of twenty eight and a one point nine four pound weight could not be used. At first the tester tried using a fourteen span on the front and rear, but could not detect a definite difference. The tester believes that this was mostly due to the fact that the rear section of the arrow only has just over nine of different weave. Next the tester tried measuring with the six sections, but the deflection caused by the one point nine four weight was minimal, though the tester did see a small difference. In the end the tester was able to confirm the related findings on the six sections with the tester’s personal equipment. The difference the tester ended up with across all test methods was about a two point two percent difference, with the back being stiffer. Unfortunately it’s impossible to put that into arrow spine terms because it’s not possible to measure across twenty eight and use the proper weight. The tester would have liked to have a full arrow of each of the different weaves for testing, but the tester did not think that it was possible. In the end what matters is performance. The tester took a dozen test shafts and fletched them up with four Mini-Fusion vanes, cut them to twenty nine and three eighths of an inch, installed the CE inserts and matched them up with one hundred and twenty five grain field points and broadheads. This resulted in a four hundred and five grain carbon express arrow with just under thirteen and a half percent FOC. These were test shot mostly out of the tester’s personally owned Destroyer 350 at thirty and sixty eight pounds The size 350 arrows tuned very easily and quickly out of the tester’s bow with both paper and bare shaft tuning. The tester has shot these carbon express arrows around a thousand times or more and the tester is of the opinion that they were all excellent. There have been no problems with fliers or any erratic performance and the groups have been tight all the way to eighty yards without problems. The shafts are definitely more fragile than the CE Mayhems that the tester normally shoots out of that particular bow, as evidenced by the two that the tester killed. One hit something hard in a target at a public range, the other went through a target and took out some plywood along the way. Visit Archery Supplies Targets Equipment Talk Traditional Accessories Carbon Express Gold Tip Hunting Victory Arrows to purchase your archery supplies online. To learn more about archery supplies provided by Eagle Archery visit this link Archery Supplies Targets Equipment Talk Traditional Accessories Carbon Express Gold Tip Hunting Victory Arrows.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 09:26:52 +0000

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