The duty of a true Patriot is to ptrotect his country from - TopicsExpress


The duty of a true Patriot is to ptrotect his country from government."Thomas Pain ... Today we have a debt that is approaching 17 trillion dollars (17thousand billion). This number is absurd. How can a nation of so called educated leaders allow this horrific debt to incur on us and especially our children. They had to be sleeping @ the wheel . their inept ability to control our expenditures should be reason for termination from public office.our forefathers provided and to create a grassroots effort to impose Term Limits before the strength and freedom of our nation declines any further. On this ONE occasion, you and I are NOT democrats, republicans, gun owners, gun control supporters, Obamacare haters, Universal Healthcare supporters, conservatives, liberals, religious or atheist. For this one time alone we are ALL AMERICANS and we will fight to impose Term Limits on the US Congress and break their Aristocratic rule of our country.Please join The Modern American Revolution and lets make this happen!!!Love my state Just hate the government in the land of the enslaved that was once the land of The Free *America wile Liberty got put to shleep in Vaccination Chemtrails Fluoridated waters the fuel injector to GMO foods the wording means "god move over" GMO with the Media Mind Controlled ...WTF time for we the people to wake da shleep up "+" .
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 02:26:12 +0000

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