The earth began to experience the dark ages, right was before the - TopicsExpress


The earth began to experience the dark ages, right was before the renaissance era. This era was truly, where the word macabre came into place. Dark statues such as the gargoyles, sat upon castle roof tops. At night time, these stone beings would come to life. But how could, inanimate objects come to life? The magic deep in the roots of mother earth, flourished and caused these statutes to come to life. These statutes would fly around new marabasa, looking for innocent children running about in the streets of the city. As all the children wearing red, would run inside not playing outside in the dark. But, the ones that stayed outside were eaten by, the gargoyles. In the middle of the great night, the smell of honey slowly came out of all the nearby sewers. The gargoyles feasting upon the children, put their body parts down. As blood ran down their mouths, they ran towards the smell. The smell of honey, was extremely invigorating as well as intoxicating to the noses, of objects and inanimate objects. As the smell touched their noses, they exploded into a blood mist. As the blood floated in the air, everything in the city seemed to go dark. The darkness offered solitude to the witches, that wished to prowl the streets. As each witch was seen roaming the streets, the families inside of their homes cowered in fear. The smell of fear, rotted the very ground outside of their homes. The ground that shined blue meant they were fearful, those houses were targeted by the witches prowling the streets. As the witches feasted upon the families, their bodies would light up with a bright golden light, illuminating the darkness with light. But, this light would draw out any remaining humans, that prowled the streets as well. A woman came out of the shadows, wearing a odd outfit. The witches that looked upon the woman, smiled and waited to see what she would do next. The intelligent witches knew of this womans existence, and recognized the medallion sitting on her chest. But, who was this woman, and why did the elderly witches fear her existence. Long ago there was a witch who ate her, comrades. Why you may ask? Because she wanted their unique, abilities. She would find these witches, and rip their abilities from their bodies. As this would occur, the witches would die from the immense pain, they felt in their body. But, some witches survived, not being the same after the event. Who was this woman though? She went by many names, some called her a savior. Some called her, a heretic witch. The names seemed to get even weirder, some go as far as to call her a student of the great, Morgan Le Fay. Who were this woman of magnificent power, parents? The womans parents, were part of a clan named Paradox. Her parents names, are Zero and Amatersu. Her father Zero, was a man of a respectable status. But, then came the day, he became power hungry for more power, to protect his family. Soon after him, his wife followed his footsteps. Becoming the only witch to reach the status of sorceress supreme. But, that title would be taken away from her. By whom you may ask? Her own daughter had bested her mother, in combat with magic. After, her hundred year training under Morgan Le Fay, she could do anything practically. Her true name is Hera Paradox, sorceress supreme. The witches that had survived her attack previously, ran away and vanished into thin air. But, the witches that had never, encountered Hera before would have quite, a rude awakening about attacking the sorceress supreme. Hera wore a outifit that represented her status, quite well. The dark navy blue robe hung upon her shoulders, as in the middle of her well endowed chest sat a bright golden medallion. In the middle of the medallion, sat a bright crimson red iris that seemed to float around endlessly. On top of the dark navy blue robe, sat fur of a wolf she had previously killed in the forest, of new marabasa. This fur had magical properties, she had placed into each hair follicle to amplify her magical ability called necromancy. But, there was more to this odd witch. Her eyes matched the color of clouds themselves. It was almost like she controlled, the weather with this irises. But, this was not the case. She had so much magical power, flowing through her veins that, her eyes had become almost inhuman. One might ask was this sorceress supreme, blind? No, in fact her eye sight, rivaled the bird known as the bald eagle. In her left hand, sat a book that would write itself in blood, everytime she could not remember a certain spell, or even a technique. On her head sat a odd hat. This odd hat, had feathers of countless birds. Also in the middle of the blue feathers, sat a odd diamond. This diamond was a stone made from rich jade diamonds. This would keep her darker half, named Ragnarok in check. If this dual side of her came out, well it would mean the end of everything on the material plane, as well as the astral plane. In her right hand, sat a wooden staff made from wood of magical trees, that was near indestructible. But, this odd staff could counter most things, people would call inhuman. Such as blood manipulation, spital abilities if timed in the exact time, the lock hit the body part or in the proximity of her body. The last thing about Hera, was the ravens that circled around her body. These ravens could be ignited on fire, by the pyro telekinesis her mind controlled. Also, the ravens could be turned into ice, if she so wished. These birds were very versatile, they could be used offensively as well as defensively. The truly had no limit of how many could circle around, her body. But, the max she would summon at a time, were about six. Six would suffice, she rarely depended on these birds. The witches that charged Hera were met with a swift, swing of her hand. Her hand moved so quickly, their bodies showed the spinal cord sitting upon their, shoulders. The crimson red blood spewed out from, their bodies as all five fell to the ground. But, were did their heads go? The force of her swing to the cranium, shattered it and the magical properties in her blood wiped their heads out of existence. The bodies she walked over to, and lifted her hand slowly. A purple line of magic, could be seen drawing out their beautiful blue souls. As the purple strings, gripped their souls her mouth opened and devoured all five souls. Suddenly, her body turned a bright purple color then returned to normal. Hera smiled and spoke softly to the bleeding corpses, that stained the ground. Such pitiful creatures. To call you my sisters, would be disgraceful to me and my status. But, you deserve nothing or maybe the only thing you deserve, is to become my puppet. Heras face turned dark, and a sinister smile crossed her dark red lips. Her hand slowly raised once more, as the book floated in the air slowly. The very ground under the five headless corpses, turned a dark black color. The dark black rune appeared shortly, after the decay of the dirt occured. This odd rune caused, the blood to slowly go inside of the corpses. As the blood returned into the corpses, the heads slowly began to reform back to their, previous rich state. The snapping and cracking of bones, caused the process to be complete. Each corpse slowly stood up, kneeling before Hera. But, their eyes showed the dark black rune, in the irises. Their auras showed a black color, and felt ominous as well as very sinister. Hera smirked softly and stood in the middle of the street. The five reanimated witches stood along side, of their mistress waiting to obey her every command. Who was this woman? The darkness. The end. The fear that resides inside of your soul. Enter Hera Paradox, and feel the wrath of the notorious Paradox Clan. ((Closed rp, freestyle, no godmodding, no calling in support.))
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:57:48 +0000

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