The earth is your domain. You are the president of the earth. - TopicsExpress


The earth is your domain. You are the president of the earth. Everything on earth was put under your care. You are God’s steward. Now, if you are provided for with a shovel for a weeding assignment and someone came and stole it from your premises. Can you do the weeding without the shovel? You cannot use your teeth so you need your shovel. If you cannot discover who stole your shovel and recover it, you may be passing time without knowing it. There is nothing as bad as breach of assignment because it will land anyone in shame and frustration. Do not ever allow your enemy to hijack your assignment. He may do it anyhow and submit. He is a failure. You must take your place in destiny. Have you ever used someone else’s property and enjoy how you were been treated? You can never be free using another person’s own because they will put you under undue pressure. So why will your position be occupied by others without you acting? Don’t you know that the borrower is always at the mercy of the lender? Think about it. They have been occupying your position because you have allowed them to be. They have been enjoying your crown because you have ignorantly allowed them. They are so authoritative and you have loosed authority in controlling them because you have bowed to inferiority complex and fear. Where is your boldness and your faith that your creator crown you with? Where is your freedom from the Lord? You must place a demand for your own to restore and enjoy your freedom and your dominion. How can a representative of God’s own government be treated as a slave on the earth? Say no to that because you were created a caretaker of the earth. You are God’s Ambassador- a diplomat, a heaven’s government official on the earth with all provisions made for you in full to enjoy diplomatic immunity. You carry divine impunity and cannot be treated anyhow. Any one that treats you unduly is bound to be punished. Dethrone all your enemies from the throne by the same power of God that has sent you on the earth to be in charge. Dethrone them fast fast.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:27:45 +0000

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