The economic boycott, political or cultural Israel, a growing - TopicsExpress


The economic boycott, political or cultural Israel, a growing trend The cameras of the world are turned on Gaza. Despite some turmoil in the relationship between Americans and Israelis, the US counteract any anti-Israeli initiative at the United Nations. Faced with the helplessness and printing of impunity which Israel has several movements or countries calling for a boycott of Israel. And the boycott takes different forms. The political boycott Bolivia recently put Israel on its list of terrorist states to protest against the military operation in the Gaza Strip. The country of Evo Morales and Chavezs Venezuela had severed relations with Israel in 2009, calling for a political boycott. Several South American countries have joined this movement, but they struggle to seduce beyond the continent. The countries of the European Union and the United States continue to maintain diplomatic relations with the Israelis. But some European countries such as France, Spain and Italy had voted in favor of Palestine as an observer state at the UN membership in 2012. A resolution yet considered unacceptable by Israel. The economic boycott Many initiatives are being developed to organize an economic boycott of Israeli products. Belgium is studying the establishment of a label to identify products from Israeli settlements. This label is not mandatory and therefore leaves the choice of the distributors show or not. Although this law is still far from being implemented and that it would not be strictly a boycott, it would certainly make it easier. Other popular targets for a boycott: the marks considered close to Israel. Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Starbucks are among the targets of the operation. The campaign Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) was launched in 2005 by 171 Palestinian NGOs and wants to put pressure on Israel through economic means. She follows the initiative proposed by Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace South African cause divestment of Israel to end the Israeli occupation of the territories acquired during the Six Day War in 1967. The movement was a true gain popularity after SodaStream case. This brand of Israeli soda machine was chosen as the muse Scarlett Johansson. Except that the actress was also ambassador for Oxfam since 2006. Under the glare of criticism for the situation SodaStream - the brand is established in the colonies - Scarlett Johansson has resigned from his role as ambassador. A controversy that even the US Secretary of State John Kerry was concerned. A spotlight for the boycott could have done with Israel. The cultural boycott Seemingly less efficient but more publicized, the cultural boycott is also very present. In 2002 launched a European campaign Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. The objective of this campaign is to encourage artists including not to perform in Israel in protest against the Israeli government policy. Many artists and refused to go to occur or canceled their concert in Israel. Among them, the musicians Roger Waters (Pink Floyd), Brian Eno or filmmakers Ken Loach and Jean-Luc Godard. There are also sports boycotting their Israeli opponents. Tunisian fencer Sarra Besbes has preferred not to go to an Italian competition rather than face an Israeli Noam Mills. The boycott did not unanimous If calls to boycott gagent in popularity to the point of serious concern in Israel, they are far from unanimous. In France, Hollande far from President cosignait with Manuel Valls, Bernard-Henri Levy, several intellectuals and twenty other personalities in The World, a forum entitled The boycott of Israel is unworthy weapon . Mahmoud Abbas himself opposed to a boycott of Israel in its generality while supporting the products from the settlements. He considers it important to have relations with Israel and is separated from the full boycott of Israeli products promoted by the BDS committee. In Israel, however, the government began to worry about the effects of a boycott. A decline in exports could have significant effects on the Israeli economy and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considered the boycott as an anti-Semitic act. According to him, the BDS movement, which advocates a boycott over there wants to get the end of the Jewish state.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:47:13 +0000

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