The economic recession in the western economies has again raised - TopicsExpress


The economic recession in the western economies has again raised many question marks on the concept of capitalism and globalisation. Many pro-globalisation/capitalism individuals maintain very fiercely that there cannot be any development in this world without the concept of free markets which in a nutshell is what globalisation is all about really. On the other hand most anti-globalisation/capitalism individuals with an equal zeal proclaim that capitalism/globalisation is the root-cause of all evils in the present world. Let us try to ponder over this: Globalisation, to a certain extent is aimed at voiding boundaries and state identities. Global harmonious change of modernity, as envisaged in the globalisation paradigm, is a harmony alternative to disharmony of basic forms of life of a modern society. Both capitalism and its next nearest opposite, Socialism are equally chaotic. Property is either state or private ownership. The devil then runs to the next best alternative – ivory tower theories of Industrial-harmonism. Here concept of property is subordinated to market harmony (at least on theory) In reality , what we witness daily is man facing threats of self-destruction, nuclear war, environmental pollution, climate change, corruption , terrorism and various class stratification, rich (people and countries) etc Corporations add to this dire situation; they control economics, currency, political power, food, basic living condition and values. Corporations (I prefer to use ‘capitalism). Here and there we hear of millionaire club religious institutions. The so called historical step of global peace and common good is not worth the paper it is written on. Marx predicted that capitalism has within it a contradiction that would ultimately destroy capitalism and pave the way for a classless society. Again, in the best of Marx’s intentions, this theory is also still on paper. Adding to the concerns of ‘religious tactics’, what the world has witnessed is another frightening saga .....that “capitalism itself is a religion.” Writing in 1921, Walter Benjamin highlights the three features of the religious structure of capitalism: (1) It is purely cultic, it lacks theology and all things take on meaning in relation to this cult; (b) The cult is permanent; it has no ‘weekdays’ and every day demands participation and (c) The cult is a system of guilt and despair rather than atonement. God is included in this system of guilt and thereby awaken in him an interest in the process of atonement. ‘Capitalism is entirely without precedent, in that it is a religion which offers not the reform of existence but its complete destruction. It is the expansion of despiair, until despair becomes a religious state of the world that this will lead to salvation.....this cult is celebrated before an unmatured deity.......” so on and so forth.....The material world survives on this cult and its corresponding guilt. Atonement is the condition of being at one with others – a concord or social agreement. Ultimately it calls for a borderless world and a universal religion. Atonement in Sanatana Dharma has a unique perspective. It teaches independence ‘svatantra’ in all aspects/domains of life and acknowledges the validity of commercial enterprises to pursue prosperity as a valid human goal. It teaches self-sufficiency and confidence of his/her own Divinity. No-one is the master and no-one is the servant. It does not make the individual subordinate to big corporations, rather it encourages organic development of economic resources leading to human dignity. Out vedic sages spoke of service to society, charity and ultimately, respect for the spiritual life. Hindu spiritualism is the atonement of the Whole – the unwritten invisible spiritual agreement of the universe. The lack of understanding the latter principle has been the curse of this earth! One can or attempt to destroy a religion. But how does one kill an idea embedded in the mind and shared by all souls in the Universe? Be brave to be different, be brave to take action and be brave to stand by what you think is right :-) Om Prem Shaanti :-)
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:04:35 +0000

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