The economy is really on a knife’s edge right now Jim Rickards - TopicsExpress


The economy is really on a knife’s edge right now Jim Rickards as the author of two incredibly insightful books on finance and global geopolitics: Currency Wars and The Death of Money. Jim worked on Wall Street for 35 years and has an intimate understanding of how global finance and the monetary system work.He discusses how the economy is really on a knife’s edge right now as the great battle—between natural forces that are pushing for deflation and central banks and governments that are pushing for inflation—plays out. The crucial takeaway here is that there are so many different and competing forces at play. And while it might all seem fine and dandy, especially in the US, people shouldn’t be lulled into a false sense of security by the temporary respite. Sure, the dollar is strong against other fiat currencies at the moment, the stock markets are at all time highs, and the headline unemployment number is lower than it used to be—but rational people understand major risks just beneath the surface and have a plan B. sovereignman/expat/powerful-investment-wisdom-from-jim-rickards-the-economy-is-on-a-knifes-edge-2-15997/
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:35:05 +0000

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