The education of the young was greatly neglected.Jacob Corlaer - TopicsExpress


The education of the young was greatly neglected.Jacob Corlaer opened a school and the governor peremptorily closed it,because he had presumed to take the office without governmental permission.To establish a place of amusement the governor formed a village called Haarlem,at the northern extremity of Manhattan Island.He also constructed a good road over the island,through the forest, so that it may be made easy to come hither,and return to that village on horseback or in a wagon.A ferry was also established to Long Island. Staten Island was a dreary waste.It had not recovered from the massacre of 1655.Efforts were made to encourage the former settlers to return to their desolated homes,and to encourage fresh colonists to take up their residence upon the island.To promote the settlement of the west side of the North River,Stuyvesant purchased from the Indians,all the territory now known as Bergen,in New Jersey. This purchase comprised the extensive region,beginning from the great rock above Wiehackan,and from there right through the land,until above the Island Sikakes,and from there to the Kill van Col,and so along to the Constables Hook,and thence again to the rock above Wiehackan.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:49:09 +0000

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