The ego, belonging to One Consciousness, is fundamentally whole. - TopicsExpress


The ego, belonging to One Consciousness, is fundamentally whole. The individuated ego; however, is fragmented and full of selfish-ambition. Regardless of nobility or ignobility, its essentially incapable of abiding in Truth or Love. United as we are to a quantum field of Conscious Energy, we acquiesce to the Truth by knowing what is not truth. United as One, knowledge becomes an economy of mercy and compassion; sanctifying, blessing and cleansing us from selfish fragmentation upon its acquisition. But we see the opposite when our fragmented ego acquiesces the same knowledge. It creates a lust for power and control over the other. Like a symphony conductor raising his baton in the midst of a warm-up cacophony, so is the One-Life-Force where appropriately directed by our Universal Mind thinking. The warmth of Its touch arrests our attention and Calms our fear. It balances and harmonizes the cacophony of insanity produce by our intentions. Baring the fruit of its seed, our intention can never do otherwise.. As we sow, we reap. As we see in the life of Charles Manson, we to should provide a mirror to the world. The atrocities of the former are essentially no different from the latter. We are assessing not by the scale of aftermath left in their wake, but by the essential root of intention from both their erroneous actions. Unlike the mirrors provided by Manson and the World, ours can be marked by sanity. We find in our self an egoic vehicle just as unique(if not more so) than the other. ALL of them require fuel from the ground to exist. Suggesting selfish-ambition, with its sub-categories as our vehicle(s); Our misuse, indifference, and ignorance of Chi/Prana/Life Force/Divine Energy,etc. (along with the Its vibrations, geometric shapes and patterns). as the fuel propelling the former; And the ground being our magnanimous, One Mind/No-Thing/Divine Essence/ or the Sustaining Force of existence whereby we extract our fuel. Assuming, that together weve deliberated upon this, we conclude that Energy is at the Essence of our Being and our individual and collective ego is but component of the whole. Ego - and the illusion(s) it manifests - fundamentally fuses the illusion(s) it creates with the whole of its Interconnected existence. Each individuated expression of the One Consciousness develops a personality as a form of social conditioning. Like most, this one is told to supremely honor its own individuality above everything else unimportant to it. And no matter how we choose to celebrate its diversities (either collectively or individually), we harm each other by allowing the superiority of this self to be worshiped. Celebrating our differences is not the same as honoring them. Just because an illusion suggests to one (I am this therefore you are that), does nothing to separate the interconnected Truth of our Oneness. When we take a fragment from the whole Truth and then circumscribe, label and worship it under the influence of its empirical evidence, we become delusional. The result is this proclamation of the individual over the whole. Consciously or subconsciously, we feel the effects of our individual egoism. Its actually simple; We justify and/or disqualify ourselves and each other by using/misusing our ego. Being self centered, it creates thought-forms and uses them to justify the illusion of separateness. These vicarious parasites exist because together we are keeping them alive. Our fantasies, imaginations, beliefs, personal experiences, etc., justify the life and personality of these psychic creations destroying and perverting sanity and health. Because we keep them alive, we lose our capacities for Truth and Divine Love; making us men without chests, as C.S. Lewis once said. We evolve out of these delusions as the result of redirecting the Divine Energy operating through these delusions into the development of psychosomatic health. This Life-Force once used for insanity can now flow towards sanity and wholeness. We can see how the sicknesses of society come from selfish-ambition and worsens as indifference evolves into malevolence. The dysfunctions of insanity set in as ones megalomania spirals to a self-destructive insanity. To escape, we must discern Truth and illusion most clearly by consciously taking our thoughts captive. Some ways to do this are through meta-cognition and correct action. Service to others will also balance selfish-ambition. Anything salutary for our Global psychosomatic health. It is enough for you and i to begin with our self, and as we discover our relations to each other as One, our delusions will lose validity and power as each of us becomes responsible to the whole. Along with it the false guilt created and forced to take responsibility or carry blame looses power and credibility as we become Judges unto ourselves. As we relearn how to healthily direct the misused Energy, the tyranny of egotistical passions dissipate and our sanity will return. Truth has been and always will be united as One. https://youtube/watch?v=MguQjgKFMwU&list=UURm1lERIk5jD5QY8Kk_65Mg
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:08:50 +0000

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