The eight and twentieth, faire and hot weather, the winde at South - TopicsExpress


The eight and twentieth, faire and hot weather, the winde at South South-west. In the morning at sixe of the clocke, wee weighed and steered away North twelve leagues till noone, and come to the Point of the Land; and being hard by the Land in five fathomes, on a sudden wee came into three fathomes, then we beare up and had but ten foote water, and joyned to the Point. Then as soon as wee were over, wee had five, sixe, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve and thirteene fathomes. Then wee found the Land to tend away North-west, with a great Bay and Rivers. But the Bay wee found shoald; and in the offing wee had ten fathomes, and had sight of Breaches and drie Sand. Then wee were forced to stand backe againe; so we stood backe South-east by South, three leagues. And at seven of the clocke wee Anchored in eight fathomes of water; and found a Tide set to the North-west, and it riseth one fathome, and floweth South South-east. And hee that will throughly Discover this great Bay, must have a small Pinnasse, that must draw but foure or five foote water, to sound before him. At five in the morning wee weighed, and steered away to the Eastward on many courses, for the Norther Land is full of Shoalds. Wee were among them, and once wee strooke, and wee went away;
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:52:48 +0000

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