The eight hour journey in either direction went better than - TopicsExpress


The eight hour journey in either direction went better than expected. Mariuca was sick after about 20 miles and then it was dribble! We only had one longish drive whilst we were on holiday and she was only sick once. Apart from that, she was in and out of the car eagerly and travelled quietly, but a bit dribbly. On the first day, Mariuca was not impressed with sand and was frightened of the sea. We had lots of walks on the Pembrokeshire Coastal path and lots of beach walks, so, on the fourth day on my favourite beach, Marloes, we let her off her lead. Skye doesnt play with dogs, only balls, so Mariuca trotted along with Rick until she spotted some more dogs. She bounded off, barking away, and had a good charge round the beach with them and then ran back to us! Yippee! Long way to go as she comes back when she is ready and not when called, but the next three days she was able to run round the beaches and let complete strangers stroke her. We are so grateful for all the advice we have had, especially baby steps. All my animal loving f/b friends will be interested to hear than we met a family with a Bulgarian rescue-dog who had had the same treatment as our dogs and we met a lovely Scottish lady who was involved with dog rescue in Cyprus and mainland Greece. We so enjoyed our holiday and the next big step is letting her off at the field where she charge around with the other dogs.....whilst Skye ignores them all and chases her ball!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 09:48:14 +0000

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