The election fraud! So at last, few, supposedly sealed bags have - TopicsExpress


The election fraud! So at last, few, supposedly sealed bags have been opened and votes counted and the result is exactly what Imran Khan has been claiming----massive rigging took place and without reasonable doubt the culprit is Nawaz Sharif and his cronies, as they are the sole beneficiaries of rigging. Only few bags were opened and it is going to result in some action; either re-elections or the real winner will be handed over the seat of the constituency he/she has, in fact, won. But this does not mean that Nawaz Sharif will be deposed along with his pals. The confusing legalities may still let Nawaz to go on being the PM and his partners holding major governing positions. This is heartbreaking and disasterous. In a Western country reaction would be to force PM to resign. But alas so is not the case in Pakistan. Attorney Aitzaz Hasan has performed outstandingly and his book on this subject gives details of the mechanisms of fraud and declares rightfully Nawaz Sharif as the sole perpetrator. The attachments in his book constitute solid and 100% reliable evidence. So what next!!! To open all bags is half as great a job as holding new elections. This at this moment it is not likely but for discussions sake let us assume, no matter, how pain staking it is done, that some authorities undertake a complete investigation of majority of constituencies. By this time everybody has a good idea as to what the outcome will be---so let us move to next step and that is what is the nature of punishment that can be levied. PM and his cronies should be prosecuted and punished by civil court, bestowing imprisonment? Or can the charges be raised to perfidy and treason level; if this happens then the penalty could be from long term imprisonment to hanging. The PM and his followers have performed treachery and in my opinion the punishment should be death sentences. Every investigated crime is viewed for a motive. The Nawaz Sharif and his crony’s crime intention will manifest as looting ruthlessly the wealth of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Regarding treason Pakistani laws are tougher than Western countries; and a death sentence may very well become the outcome. The question is what will happen to the looted wealth, certainly in billions of USD equivalent. Is it not then prudent to remove Nawaz Sharif and force him and the countries (foreign banks) to return the looted amounts back to Pakistan government? A painstaking procedure but by all means a judicious one. The months to come are going to be interesting. This fraud against a country is definitely among the worst, the largest and most brutal, in modern World history. The ramifications otherwise could be as severe as handing over the independence to India by being its satellite state or total break up of Pakistan into smaller entities. In both cases it will serve India. Nothing of punishments will take place till Nawaz Sharif is arrested along with his companions. Another question takes place as to who will perform the task of convicting him, arresting him and punishing him? Army chief Raheel Sharif is one such able candidate. The military can arrest without any problem that is the physical part but the judicious part will raise question to the legality of such actions. The army is busy fighting the Talibans and other extremists and it will be thinned out if it takes over the responsibility of implementing legal requirement Vis a VI Nawaz Sharif and his gangs of thugs; and consequently running the Pakistan affairs even for a limited time. One alternative can be that the army chief declare hard martial law and increases the number of his officers and soldiers to avoid thinning of his army. The financing should not be the problem as the money being looted and recovered money will go to the new recruitments. The new recruitments can be time limited. The army should help evolve an honest political system something similar to the Turkish. After a certain time the temporary recruited be disbanded. And the politics handed over to fairly elect Pakistani civilian politicians. Well whatever may take place, Nawaz Sharif and his gang of thugs has to be put behind bars, looted money recovered and Pakistan put on a new path. The risk otherwise is Pakistan will stop existing.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:55:39 +0000

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