The electrical grid could have been designed many ways, instead it - TopicsExpress


The electrical grid could have been designed many ways, instead it was designed to use frequecies which disturb and stress the body... Hence close proximity for long term durations have negative health effects, including immune system disruption which means elevated risk of cancer is a common side effect among other health disorders. Different frequencies respond in raw signal format differently to the body and some individuals... Some are inherently negative, while some are positive. Regardless all such frequencies can be modified beyond their raw signal format... Analog vs digital of the same frequency is an example. A frequency which carries data on it, depending on the data and its effects can alter the positive/negative health effects. It is then no surprise to find our communication industry had regulated and made standard frequencies which are by default harmful to humans and even mire so with negative data inputs. While positive wavelengths are generally restricted and or not used. Cellphones use frequencies have a very high interactivity level with the human brain, were data input is extremely effective. The electrical grid is generic and mostly effects the entire body and is not very effective with data input, its more a crude method of effect... A blunt trauma effect. Most new technology focusing on higher level frequencies are precision effects, which allow great diversity of effect on the masses... or a single individual as they can be made to resonate with a single person or persons on mass. This allows the technology to track and target individuals by their unique EMF signature via satellite using high resolution EMF sensors. And be it from a cell tower or satellite to transmit a carrier signal which will only effect those of a unique EMF signature.., aka targeted individual. But some signal carrier modulations will effect on mass and are not possible to target individuals using cell towers or satellite... Instead a precision signal must be directed at the target mass or individual to prevent its effects spreading to non-targets. - As a result of the regulation and technological standards it has also restricted technology from the public and helped control them. For example you can transmit a signal around the world with appropriate frequencies... In order ti prevent mass global communication among slaves outside corrupt control they did the obvious. They begun restricting/controlling frequencies to do so and regulating them etc. Created technology which cannot effectively input data into such frequencies for long range communications, to deter their use for such purposes. Created bogus technological education/science and science data with missing links of explanation to some effects to prevent independent researchers/inventors figuring it out. Made it so for the mass proliferation of such inventions knowledge... Via patents or need of funding early detection of such technology or research could be possible. In result we have iPhones with limited transmit range... Dependent on the communications grid... Which in turn = mass cell tower saturation = no place to hide were signal reception is good... Taking note cell towers often are not fully powered... And normally transmit 2-3 times the distance of cellphone does by default. So even when your phone says no signal it doesnt mean you arent in reception range... (Via satellite your pretty much in range were ever you go as various frequencies can penetrate pretty much anything to any depth, but cell towers are more effective for this scenario in its initial stages) Hence getting messages despite the no signal on your phone... Your still in the cell towers broadcast range, your phone on the other-hand cant broadcast back to that cell tower effectively not being as powerful transmitter... So no signal. - Then you have Sat phones which transmit to satellites in orbit up to 35,000 km away... And here you are using your mobile phones struggling to get even 30km range... One should be wondering as to why this is the case... Because $$$ is just a excuse as is technological limitations etc... The prime motive is control of technology/science and knowledge to control slaves. Including control via such implemented technologies to directly effect individuals and the masses in both generic and by precise data inputed effects. Frequency resonance plays a major role in this which is why they spent allot of time/energy mapping the human EMF spectrum and developed human EMF mapping software for passive surveillance technologies... Just like they developed facial recognition, behavioural recognition and predictive tracking etc etc... All used on the public long before they became public knowledge. - Most people dont realise everything which runs an electric current is a wireless device by default via the ectro field produced by the current flow. Hence if unshielded a receiving antenna just like a emf detecter will pick up the field when in proximity without needing to be wired into the device. With a metal wire running the electrical data, the now antenna device if unshielded will increase its transmit range beyond its normal electro field parameters... So the data in that circuit now transmit beyond the default EMF produced as it has an effective antenna(the wired circuit) to do so. Hence your computer motherboard and cat5 network cable is a wireless transmitter of data. - Just as your tap and go RFID credit cards and general RFID chips will transmit the RFID data once a current glow us remotely induced in the circuit via circuit resonance to the remote electrical energy directed or being absorbed by it. Hence a directed resonance beam can target a computer and long as it doesnt exceed it electrical tolerance parameters can increase it data transmit range for a receiving device to monitor/record data... Or even input data back into the target computer as well. If the electrical device or technology is designed with this effect in mind it can infact enhance or even activate it when its in the OFF state... Even if all the software on the device has been removed. - Humans share allot of functions and effects with electrical circuits... Silicon circuits often imitate biological circuits rendering their functions compatible with the human body/brain. Hence why we are very reactive to the technology we use. Its also true our bodies are attuned to natures frequencies that of our general environment, earth and space. If not our bodies would become easily negatively effected, while being adapted and attuned it allows our bodies to receive positive effects instead and ignore most negative effects on the same frequencies. With built in resistance to negative effects its also why technology avoids such frequency wavelengths within public technology. And were it is included is applied in a highly negative tone as to... Try teach our bodies the natural frequencies are harmful... So the positive effects from such frequencies diminish over generations so out bodies switch to ignoring/resisting both good and bad wavelength... Essentially our bodies become deaf to those wavelengths. - While to counteract the same happening to the negative effects of technology they make us want and enjoy such technology... So like a brutally abusive partner instead of fighting back we say its okay we love and need them, its fine. So instead of ignoring the abuse... We embrace the technological abuse biologically, subconsciously and wilfully accept it as part of the positive we are brainwashed to perceive from it. So our bodies are trained to open the door every time these harmful signals nock. Regardless this is a formulation for mass control and genocide in end effect as the effects increase our bodies simply will not be able to manage and negate the harm being done. Like the abusive partner the body will end up broken and mangled... The mind broken beyond repair... - Imagine a world were our mobile phones didnt need a network provider to talk to people around the world for FREE. Imagine a world were the internet didnt need a ISP or infrastructure to communicate and share to the world. Imagine a world were our technology emitted frequencies encoded to enhance or health, healing, well being and creative intelligence... And not just us humans but all positive life forms including plants... Food for thought.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 02:02:33 +0000

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