The end of Barbie- barbie was tied up on the spaceship headed for - TopicsExpress


The end of Barbie- barbie was tied up on the spaceship headed for the alien colony where they would b cut into small pieces and eaten by their queen she tried to scream but the substance that the aliens put over her mouth prevented her from doing so.she looked out the window and say the U.S. space programs fighters following the ship she was on and hope flared in her and she smiled behid the substance and tried to cheer but couldnt and then right b4 her eyes she say a thin almost invisibly line of green fire streak towards the fighters and b4 she knew it they all exploded in a giant ball of fire and her hope switfly left her and she looked down with sad eyes because she knew her bf ken was on one of those fighters because he was the ace of the fighter squadran of alpha group which was the first they sent out in an emergency and she started to cry as the aliens landed in their colony and she was carried on the shoulder of one of the 9 ft blue aliens with 6 arms and one head with 3 eyes and with claws and teeth harder then diamonds.they brought her into a chamber that was a 1000 ft high and wide and in the middle was a grotespue creature with hundreds of mouths and hundreds of arms adn legs and behind her was a giant egg sack which giant eggs were steadily comming out of and the aliens threw barbie right in front of the largest mouth and they ripped the substance off and bk on earth they had a satalite listening for any signs of one point they thought they heard her but it sounded more like an animal screaming so they just passed it off as a stray noise but as much as they looked they never heard or saw her again. -The End
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 05:38:31 +0000

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