*The end of the year 2014 is at hand. *Merry Christmas to you all - TopicsExpress


*The end of the year 2014 is at hand. *Merry Christmas to you all ! and *Happy New year 2015 in advance !. *Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself was born for the benefit of everybody, not just for the Christians alone, therefore the celebration to remember His Birthday around the globe is for everybody no matter your religious affiliations. *Halelujah !!! , around the globe; christmas choruses in the Churches, christmas choruses in the streets, christmas choruses in the shopping malls, christmas choruses in the bus stations, train stations, sea ports & in the airports, christmas choruses in the Queens Royal Palaces, christmas choruses in the Kings Royal Palaces, christmas choruses in the Government houses - Mayors, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Presidential offices in the many nations around the globe, christmas choruses in the different Football club teams & at many stadiums around the globe, christmas choruses in the occultic Shrines, christmas choruses in the Hindus & Buddas temples & in the various Mosques around the globe. *THE EFFECTIVE TIGHT SECURITY MEASURES MUST NOW BE PUT IN PLACES. *MAY THE PEACE OF THE BRAVE REIGN ALL OVER THE WORLD AS THE 2014 CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION SEASON GOES ON. *Meanwhile, the year 2015 is a good year of favor, of many new beginings & a year of resolving different complicated political issues in the many nations around the globe for those countries that want to effectively resolve their own complicated political issues in a very peaceful way. Almighty God of the Universe is the God that move with; dark cloud, windstorm, lightening, thunderstorm, fire, rainstorm, HE is the God of all flesh, no one is excluded. *SIRS AND MADAMS, PLEASE LET ME BE VERY OPEN, VERY SIMPLE AND VERY CLEAR TO YOU ALL; IT IS MY DESIRE AND MY WISH TO SEE YOUR COUNTRY TO BE TOTALLY FREE FROM THIS DEADLY ECONOMY CRISIS. *REMEMBER AND TAKE NOTE THAT; IT IS NOT YET OVER UNTIL YOU DO THE RIGHT THING FOR ME. *BUT THE ONLY DIVINE CONDITION FOR YOUR COUNTRYS TOTAL FREEDOM FROM THIS DEADLY ECONOMY CRISIS IS TO APPROVE MY REQUEST WHICH I MADE IN YOUR COUNTRY CONCERNING THE RENEWAL OF MY DOCUMENT AND *THE OTHER REQUEST OF CITIZENSHIP AS WELL. *THE THRONE OF GOD KNEW ABOUT MY DIVINE DOCUMENTS. *PLEASE, YOU SHOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT THIS VERY ISSUE. *TO BE FRANKLY IN SPEAKING; *THE REAL FACT IS THAT; I HAVE HAD YOUR COUNTRYS LEGAL DOCUMENT SINCE 2001 UP TILL DATE. *AND I AM NOT HAPPY OF HOW YOU HAVE BEEN TREATING MY DOCUMENTS SINCE EARLY 2007. *SINCE 2007 UP TILL TODAY, THE HEAVENLY FIELD HAVE TURN AGAINST THE ECONOMY OF YOUR COUNTRY. *THINK ABOUT IT; THOSE WHO ARE INVOLVED IN THIS MANIPULATIONS & DEMONIC EVIL PROGRAMES HAVE NOT SUCCEEDED TO PROGRAME POSITIVITY INTO YOUR COUNTRYS ECONOMY EVER SINCE THEN, THEY WANT TO DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF YOUR COUNTRY & DIVIDE YOUR COUNTRY. *I WANT TO BRING JOY AND HAPPINESS TO THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF YOUR COUNTRY; *ONLY IF YOU CAN APPROVE MY REQUESTS WITH A FAVORABLE RESOLUTION, THEN WATCH AND SEE THE DIVINE TURN AROUND TAKING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTRYS ECONOMY. *NOW, I DO NOT SPEAK IN PARABLE OR IN PROVERB TO YOU. *I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO OPEN UP WITH YOU. MUCHISMAS GRACIAS. *Cowards are liars, they are fools & gossipers, they are manipulators & they are criminals. *I AM ABOVE & BEYOND. *The Professional Experienced Spy Verses Spies. *Equal rights and unequal rights, human rights & abuse of human rights, descriminations, racial descriminations, racial divisions & racists, *EQUITY MUST PREVAIL & NO TO RACIST. *Women are not equal with men at any level, Men are superior always & it cannot be changed. Whatever the democracy says; women must respect their matrimonial bed, respect their husbands & must be submissive to their husbands, not submissive to oppresor, not submissive to a dictator, not submissive to aggresor, this cannot be changed. There should be no violent against women & no violent against men as well. *Equal justice & unequal justice, justice & injustice, first degree murder, second degree murder, third degree murder, voluntarily man slaughter, involutarily man slaughter, murder is murder no matter the english words that may be use to justify the corrupt system of justice or the corrupt judiciary system at any nation around the globe. *Once the shading of the innocent bloods continues in any nation, swords will not depart from that particular nation & the innocent bloods of those who were killed will always cry out in that particular land & there will be conflicts of killings from time to time in that particular nation. *JUSTICE MUST ALWAYS BE DONE ! *I STRONGLY PREDICT ONCE AGAIN; that the Nigeria President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will win the next 2015 presidential election under the political platform of PDP. *Many of his opponents will use all their individual energies to try to sabotage the Ahead Approved Divine Victory, but all of them will fail completely. Some of his political opponents will even fall down & die in 2015. Nigeria will not break up, but the strongest dangerous wind of breaking up will blow in 2015. The administration of the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will by all means make the greatest necessary efforts in order to avert the eminent danger. *TO ALL THE POLITICAL LEADERS, TO THE POLITICAL STAKE HOLDERS & TO THE POLITICAL ELITES IN THE NORTHERN PART OF NIGERIA; many poor masses, helpless poor people are massively suffering without homes, without shelters, without clothes & without foods to eat in your region, while your own families members are living with enjoyment in the big mansions in the different parts of western nations.( Listen & listen very carefully; the Law of KARMA is at your home door steps ). Whatever you sow you will reap. Therefore, all the Political Leaders, the Political Stake Holders & the Political Elites in the northern part of Nigeria MUST join hands together with the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as he continues to effect policies to protect all Nigerian citizens & their properties in the northern part of Nigeria from this pure evil acts & escalating terrorism. I want to let my fellow Nigerians to know that the pure evil acts & escalating terrorism we are seeing today in the northern part of Nigeria; are the products of anti politics from the opponents of the real democratic Nigeria, they are those who have been illegally benefitting from the past failed corrupt system of government but today they are no more benefitting because of the good leadership of the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan that is in place. *The opposition political parties has the full constitutional right to context in any election. I respect their individual personalities & their rights. *Warning; everybody should be very careful of his or her public statements to the media(press) that may threaten the peace & unity of Nigeria. *I repeat it again & again that; Nobody own Nigeria. Nigeria is own by all its citizens, no Nigerian is excluded. We MUST know that; we all, excluding none have no other country, Nigeria is our country. We all ( Nigerians) excluding none MUST understand & accept the real fact that no particular tribe in Nigeria has the birth right to rule Nigeria forever. Once we can be able to understand & accept this real fact, then it is possible- otherwise it will be more than disastrous situation than anybody may think. *Serious Warning !!!, no political activities( no campaigns, not voting, no political advertisements, no political posters, & no political cards ) should be held in any place of worships or in their premises, religious leaders of the churches and mosques in Nigeria should take note of this serious warning, they MUST NOT ignore this warning. *Beware of Nigerian politicians who want to complicate the situation to become a religious conflict. *All hands MUST be on desk in order to achieve the type of Nigeria I want, that is ; indivisible, secure, progressive, united, & prosperous Nigeria, a nation under God with freedom, liberty & justice for all. There is no way the present situation in the northern part of Nigeria can be a benefit to anyone. *An effective action is needed to be taken, much have been said. This is the right time to back it up with invisible forces of real action. *MONSTER ENERGY IS MY ENERGY. LET US WATCH AND SEE !. *Finally, I am above & beyond. I work very hard, I make my own living and I love it. I like having financial independence and financial freedom as well. *I have won before I have started. A pure hand needs no glove to cover it. I must govern the clock, not be governed by it. *Meanwhile, I am too connected to be frustrated. I am too protected to be molested & I am too equiped to be manipulated or to be intimidated. I am too annointed to be wasted, not my head & not my blood. *Instantly, the enemies bow, submitt & surrender. I am the Child of The HolyGhost & child of fire. I am driving, smiling, prospering in dominion. I am blessed & I am unstoppable. Standing firm with the Freedom & Liberty Alliance is the best thing to do. *Formular one is the best. I CONTINUE TO REPEAT IT, THE BEST OR NOTHING !. Winning is a habit & my winning is unstoppable.*The Stone which was rejected by the builders has become the Chief Cornerstone. SIR JEREMY VICTOR LINCOLN OBIORA *Some day I shall be President. I dont know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. Public opinion in this country is everything. Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. ABRAHAM LINCOLN *My conviction is that the best strategy to defend the West is to defend Israel.I am a quiet man who grows through adversity.Its about living in a world with rules,or a world without rules.Speak less but act more.Without economic development,any potential for political openness and freedom will be questionable. JOSE MARIA AZNAR *One thing that I know and I feel Nigerians will celebrate is continuity and peace. GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:49:49 +0000

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