The end result of T, (T = Kinwolf or family) whench warfare is a - TopicsExpress


The end result of T, (T = Kinwolf or family) whench warfare is a monstrocity of witch is an atrocity. So(oo) be on your defenses because they are really out there and hate righteous people and the good they do. They are the Plinth of the word subdue and the reason for the meaning of the word Abombination. Full definition of ATROCITY atroc·i·ty noun \ə-ˈträ-sə-tē\ : a very cruel or terrible act or action plural atroc·i·ties 1: the quality or state of being atrocious 2: an atrocious act, object, or situation Examples of ATROCITY Atrocities were committed by forces on both sides of the conflict. Who could be capable of such atrocity? First Known Use of ATROCITY 1534 Related to ATROCITY Synonyms atrociousness, horror, awfulness, dreadfulness, frightfulness, ghastliness, grisliness, gruesomeness, hideousness, horridness, monstrosity, repulsiveness, Antonyms goodness, righteousness, virtuousness. sub·due transitive verb \səb-ˈdü, -ˈdyü\ : to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group) by using force, punishment, etc. : to get control of (something, such as a strong emotion) sub·duedsub·du·ing Full Definition of SUBDUE 1: to conquer and bring into subjection : vanquish 2: to bring under control especially by an exertion of the will : curb 3: to bring (land) under cultivation 4: to reduce the intensity or degree of : tone down — sub·du·er noun See subdue defined for kids » Examples of SUBDUE The troops were finally able to subdue the rebel forces after many days of fighting. He was injured while trying to subdue a violent drunk. She struggled to subdue her fears. Origin of SUBDUE Middle English sodewen, subduen, from Anglo-French soduire, subdure to lead astray, overcome, arrest (influenced in form and meaning by Latin subdere to subject), from Latin subducere to withdraw, remove stealthily First Known Use: 14th century Related to SUBDUE Synonyms~ best, conquer, defeat, dispatch, do down [British], get, get around, lick, master, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), skunk, stop, beat, surmount, take, trim, triumph (over), upend, win (against), worst Antonyms lose (to) See Synonym Discussion at conquer Rhymes with SUBDUE accrue, achoo, adieu, ado, Agnew, aircrew, airscrew, anew, askew, babu, Baku, bamboo, battu, battue, bayou, bedew, beshrew, bestrew, bijou...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:58:57 +0000

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