The endless irony of Friday nights HKGoldens direct action upon - TopicsExpress


The endless irony of Friday nights HKGoldens direct action upon Main Stage. Here are a few of the obvious one. Main Stage supporters seemed incensed that anyone would want to directly challenge them as they truly believed that what they were doing was right - Id say this is how HKGov sees Occupy, how ironic! Some supporting Main Stage, thought that HKGolden may have some valid points but didnt agree with their confrontational, direct approach - Id say this is how HKGov sees Occupy, how ironic! Main Stage knew what HK Golden wanted, which was to have the Main Stage permanently open to the public, but only acted upon it once 150 HKGolden supporters marched on the stage and put them under pressure. Isnt this the tactic of Occupy and is a common criticism of the HKGov, that they wont act unless theyre put under unbearable pressure? How ironic. Supporters of the watchmen would argue, yes, we know these people have not been authorised by the entire community to watch over the protest sites and guard the main speaking platform, but theyre generally good people and have the overall protest sites well being at heart - Id say this is how HKGov sees functional constituents and small circle elections, how ironic! Speakers on the Main Stage who accused HKGolden of being anti-democratic when they jeered at the speakers who were cricisizing them may want to reflect that this is exactly the same criticism pro-HKGov people use when commenting on Occupy. Or forcing your opinion on everyone in a chaotic manner is not democracy. How ironic! Speakers on the Main Stage who rebuked the young people for engaging in radical actions that discredit the Movement might want to remember that this is exactly how pro-Gov officials describe Occupy. As a group of radical young people who are discrediting the hard work of Hong Kong people. How ironic! HKGoldens point was that their views were being pushed out the Admiralty camp, which is basically the view of everyone who supports democracy in HK. In that all views should be able to get an equal footing regardless of whether the central leaders condone it or not. How ironic. HKGoldens point was that the Main Stage is dominated by a few individuals who havent been elected, so therefore the main stage should either remove some speakers, so as they dont drown out other stages, or allow everyone a fair and equal chance to speak - Which is kind of what the fight for universal suffrage is about - How ironic! HKGolden said the main stage should not be protected by fences and guards who have not got the mandate of the people. No one really knows who all these watchmen are and what are their ultimate allegiances. Their suggestions were that the barriers surrounding Main Stage should be removed, returning it to a public space, which is kind of what Occupy is asking for with Civic Square, how ironic. During the negotiations to resolve the issues, Main stage suggested that those who wanted to sort out the watchmen problems go to one place, whereas those that wanted to talk about Main Stage go to a separate place away from Main Stage. This was interpreted, rightly or wrongly as a dividing tactic, which is a common practice of the CCP - how ironic. Why couldnt they just address the problem of Main Stage at Main Stage? The Main Stage speakers decried that the methods of HKGolden did not represent the villagers in Admiralty so they should therefore immediately stop their actions and go home, the Admiralty site was for the Admiralty villagers. Which is kind of what proGov people say about all of Occupy, How ironic! When the leader of the watchmen refused to come out to discuss or apologise, the HKGolden crowd used the same political satire to criticise the Main Stage that theyve been using to attack the government. In that they started shouting to release the head watchmen, why are you holding him hostage and they were here to free him. This political satire was seen as disorderly, chaotic behaviour by those that supported Main Stage. Which is exactly how proGov people see the intelligent satire created by Occupy, as a chaotic shit-show! During all the proceeding I was surrounding by HKGolden people. I found them, smart, witty and funny. Their English level was excellent, which is a testament to their intelligence. They acutely understood political struggle and the consequences of direct action. The irony of the entire event was not lost upon them. The mood was upbeat and lively, and when two people tried to make trouble they immediately diffused the situation using non-violence and disarming tactics. However, many villagers interpreted the the HKGolden march on the Main Stage as menacing and dark - which is exactly how the Government sees Occupy - HOW UTTERLY IRONIC!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:08:34 +0000

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