The entire Administration complete with all of their muslim - TopicsExpress


The entire Administration complete with all of their muslim friends and their Democrat GANG should! How long are Congress going to investigate before they ARREST Obama and his GANG and do a REAL INVESTIGATION without interference? There is more than enough reason to do this! At the moment, Holder is under indictment by Congress for FAST & FURIOUS! Obama is complicit with his action of invoking Executive Privilege! Obama has not cooperated nor complied with answers regarding the following: 1. Testimony provided by the Benghazi whistleblowers has raised serious questions about the Obama administration’s actions before, during, and after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya 2. The Internal Revenue Service admitted to harassing conservative groups. The IRS Have already been caught sending 4.2 Billion in illegal tax refunds to Illegal Aliens/Criminals! 3. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asked companies in an industry she has an enormous amount of influence over to donate money to help implement Obamacare 4. The Department of Justice was caught with at least two months worth of the Associated Press’ phone records! HOLDER is already under indictment by Congress! 5. EPA Accused of playing Favorites with Green Energy and Conservative groups penalized! 6. NSA - and all of the revelations since the SNOWDEN event 7. The MAIN EVENT is the continuing knowledge that Obama is NOT THE SON OF TWO U. S. Citizens! Everyone knows this! He wrote a book about his Kenyan Father! This is in DIRECT VIOLATION of our Constitution which all of these clowns swore to uphold! The SUPREME COURT have consistently refused to act on this! With their inaction could it be that they are all complicit in a massive treasonous conspiracy to destroy our Nation??? God Help Us! OBAMA INELIGIBILITY EVIDENCE DATABASE - Google Drive
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 15:40:22 +0000

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