The entire approach of modern pedagogy is generally a catastrophe, - TopicsExpress


The entire approach of modern pedagogy is generally a catastrophe, beginning at the most fundamental stages of education. The actual content endured by the student oscillates from the superfluous to the incomplete, and to the sometimes total absence of actual value -- and often with ideological overtones. Practically speaking, the introductory years serve as preparation for students on the way to more advanced content. Foundational prerequisites build year after year to ultimately solidify as the core knowledge base upon which specialization builds at the university level. But the problem lies not in the efficiency of the system to fulfill objectives of bureaucracies, plutocrats, politicians and parent-teacher associations. (However inefficient it may be, it remains stable enough for its own purposes.) The root of the disease is in the intended function itself, and in the content formulated as input into the mass production operation, which generates mediocre minds -- tragically prepared for a blunted experience of the actual beauty inherent in the fabric of reality and in the life beyond the bounds they cannot see. Institutions of learning were better suited to steer toward knowledge about that which is, during certain periods of antiquity in the variety of philosophical schools, at an age when learning was not the function of a complexity of embedded and networked power structures spreading to dominate on every scale of governance and socialization in competition on the global ideological battleground -- in a time where seekers of knowledge could choose their own schools and their own teachers. Classical approaches to education based of the trivium or quadrivium might serve a different end than todays institutions -- namely intelligence. Where is the foundational logic in the education of today? It seems to have been discarded. Lost in reality, reformulated to an operative mode, unable to freely ponder the nature of the world in which they were born to live, uncertain of how to attain meaning, they are surely able to function within narrow bounds, so long as they dont entertain their minds with a truly dangerous notion called independent thought. They are quite conditioned, but granted with the knowledge -- as a function dependent upon performance and absorption -- to operate within those particular structures of thought that serve to maintain or expand upon the progress of the machinery. And so, they offer, they mandate a design for living with the tools for systematic operation and bounded computational thought in an arena where knowledge should be the primary focus -- not information that affords no path to the treasures of understanding, virtue, or fulfillment in this life. By the design of a society sickened by brutality, elitism, ignorance and repression, the cycle perpetuates and becomes ingrained in the progeny. But through knowing this, one can, for the first time, resolve to search for the hidden keys -- to bravely maneuver the unique destiny on the path to knowledge through the labyrinth of ones unique existence.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:37:56 +0000

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