The ever increasing Islamophobia and hatred directed towards - TopicsExpress


The ever increasing Islamophobia and hatred directed towards Muslims is a significant contributor to the sense of disillusion and isolation felt by young Muslims globally. This has on a small scale lead to their entrapment in orchestrated international conflicts. It is a sad state of affairs that we in Australia do not adhere to our own basic legal principles of innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt when it relates to a Muslim being charged under various targeted legislations. It feels as though identifying with a particular faith is the only burden of proof these days. In all this hype we see great incursion into our civil liberties, today the affects are largely felt by a minority however the day is not far away where this is applied to all. I suggest that people not lose sight of the fact that Islam has existed in Australia prior to the arrival of the first fleet with no incident. And on a broader level it should be noted that Islam nor Muslims were responsible for WWI ,WW II, genocide, colonisation, rape and pillage globally. So prior to taking the moral high ground and intrinsically associating Islam with terror and terrorism we should consider the skeletons in our own closet and rather than labelling people lets work towards a just society and hold our leaders accountable for the real issues impacting this nation. #Islamophobia #justice #Islam #terrorism #Australia #terror #government #donthatemecozithinkdifferently #muslimandnotaterrorist
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:11:21 +0000

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