The evidence for the permission from parents in fard kifayah and - TopicsExpress


The evidence for the permission from parents in fard kifayah and the absence of permission in fard ayn is taken from the reconciliation of two hadeeth: First: A hadeeth reported by Al-Bukhari. Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas (radhi Allahu anhu) said: “A man came to the prophet (alayhe salat wa salam) asking his permission for jihad . He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) asked, ‘Are your parents alive?’ The man answered, ‘Yes.’ He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) replied, ‘Go and serve them, for in them is your jihad .”’ Second: Ibn Hibban narrated from Abdullah bin Amr: “A man came to the prophet (alayhe salat wa salam) and asked him about the best of deeds. He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) answered, ‘ Jihad in the path of Allah.’ The man then said, ‘I have two parents.’ He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) told him, ‘I order you good by them.’ The man replied, ‘ By the one who sent you with truth, I will fight jihad and leave them.’ He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) said, ‘You know best’.”’ (Fath Al-Bari 6/106 – Reported by Ibn Hibban as saheeh). Ibn Hajar said: “It is understood that here (in the scenario of the second hadeeth), Jihad was fard ayn, in order to reconcile the two (hadeeth).”’ (Fath al-Bari 6:106) This was from Shiekh Abdullah Azzam’s book titled “Defense of Muslim lands”, page 23. It has been made clear to us that no permission is required for anyone from anyone when jihad becomes fard ayn, just as no permission is required from the father, the shiekh or the master for the obligatory fajr prayer. Similarly, no permission is required in obligatory jihad . For example, if the father and the son sleep in one place, and the sone wants to pray fajr but his father sleeps, does anyone suggest that the son must take permission from his father to pray the bligatory prayer? Suppose that the father forbids his son from performing the prayer for some reason or another, perhaps not to disturb the other people who are sleeping (who also do not pray fajr) or because his father does not want tp pray fajr. Does the son obey his father? the answer is clear according to the following hadeeth: Obedience is in what is right(Reported by bukhari and Muslim. Saheeh Al-Jaami As- Sagheer No. 3967). There is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the creator: (Reported by Ahmed and Haakim and it is Saheeh. - Saheeh Al-JaamiAs-Sagheer No. 2323) There is no obedience to one who does not obey Allah(Reported by ahmed and it is Saheeh. - Saheeh Al-JaamiAs-Sagheer No. 7397) Neglecting jihad is a sin and there is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator. (Defence of Muslim lands by Abdullah Azzam , Page 28) How the rulers of today have apostated from Islam {Do they then seek the judgement of (the days of ) ignorance And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm faith – Surat Al-Maida 5:50} In tafseer of Ibn Katheer – (abridged) Volume. 3, page 202 – 203, the commentary of the above verse states: {Do they then seek the judgement of (the days of ) ignorance And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm faith} Allah criticizes those who ignore Allahs commandments, which include every type of righteous good thing and prohibit every type of evil, but they refer instead to opinions, desires and customs that people themselves invented, all of which have no basis in Allahs religion. During the time of Jahiliyyah, the people used to abide by the misguidance and ignorance that they invented by sheer opinion and lusts. The Tatar (Mongols) abided by the law that they inherited from their king Genghis Khan who wrote Al-Yasiq, for them. This book contains some rulings that were derived from various religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Many of these rulings were derived from his own opinion and desires. Later on, these rulings became the followed law among his children, preferring them to the Law of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger . Therefore, whoever does this, he is a disbeliever who deserves to be fought against, until he reverts to Allahs and His Messengers decisions, so that no law, minor or major, is referred to except by His Law. Allah said, {Do they then seek the judgement of (the days of ) ignorance} meaning, they desire and want this and ignore Allahs judgement, {And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm faith} Who is more just in decision than Allah for those who comprehend Allahs Law, believe in Him, who are certain that Allah is the best among those who give decisions and that He is more merciful with His creation than the mother with her own child Allah has perfect knowledge of everything, is able to do all things, and He is just in all matters. Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim At-Tabarani recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said, ((The most hated person to Allah is the Muslim who seeks the ways of the days of ignorance and he who seeks to shed the blood of a person without justification.)) {at- Tabarani 10:374} Al-Bukhari recorded Abu Al-Yaman narrating a similar Hadith, with some addition. Leadership The messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) said:When three people go on a journey they must appoint one of them as their ameer (leader)(Sunan Abo-Dawood) He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) has also said:He who has been used as an ameer (leader) over a group while there is among them a person with whom Allah is pleased more (than him), he has indeed betrayed Allah, His messenger and the group of the Muslims. (al-Hakim - graded saheeh by suyuti So it (leadership) should be conferred to the person who is better in Islam. He (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) also said to Abu Dharr:Verily you are weak and it (leadership) is a responsibility.(Saheeh Muslim) It is He who has sent His Rasool with Guidance and the religion of truth, so that He may exalt this religion over all other religions: and sufficient is Allah as a witness. (48:29) Conclusion Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and humiliate them. He will grant you victory over them and soothe the hearts of a believing people. (9:14) O believers! If you help the cause of Allah, He will help you and establish your feet firmly. (47:7) The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Who seeks martyrdom with sincerity shall get its reward, though he may not achieve it. (On the authority of Anas ibn Malik – Saheeh Muslim No. 886) Certainly it is not their eyes which are blind, but it is the hearts in their breasts which are blind. (22:46) Narrated Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn al-Aas (radhi Allahu Anhu) said:I heard Allahs Messenger (alayhe salat wa salam) saying:Allah does not take away the knowledge by taking it away from (the hearts of ) the people, but He takes it away by the death of the scholars till when none of the (scholars) remain, people will take as thier leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give thier verdict without knowledge. So, they will go astray and will lead the people astray.(Bukhari Vol. 1, No. 100)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:37:36 +0000

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