The evil ZANU PF is better at organising/planning /strategising - TopicsExpress


The evil ZANU PF is better at organising/planning /strategising than our MDCT.After realisng that the party is divided along factional lines i.e.the Mujuru and Mnangagwa camps,they roped in Grace to unify the party.If Mnangagwa or Mujuru had been put in the forefront,divisions would have widened in the party.Thats purely looks like common sense.In the MDCT,the split was caused by the overambitious Chamisa and the Mr.Know it allBiti.The only reasonable and tactful way of uniting the people was to move Chamisa aside at the moment since Biti had already naturally stood aside.The majority of the people who had gone to Biti were those who did not approve Chamisas leadership styles aside OS of the Party.Now to make things worse you want to promote a failure to a higher position through cheating.It simply shows there are no strategists in MDCT.You will have destroyed the Party if you insist that Chamisa becomes SG through this rigging.We are saying this not because we hate Chamisa but we shall continuously say it because we love our Party. Give democracy a chance.Let the people freely decide who they want to vote for without manipulating the processes.Kuteerera kwakanaka,vamwe vakaponeswa hondo nebenzi.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:52:45 +0000

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