The exam week is finally here. Busy, most students with exam - TopicsExpress


The exam week is finally here. Busy, most students with exam cards are indoors preparing for the exams. Inside most of their minds are the troubles they have undergone to be where they are. Some of these issues can be found here(This Mmust). Its a do or die moment for them as they aim to do everything earthly possible to excel Another group, however exists. One that is enraged by the mode through which the administration is running the university. This batch hasn’t yet acquired the exam cards which are key if you have to sit for any exam. Having cleared their fee balances, they expect service delivery to be flawless and they also expect exam card issuance to be in time for them to sit the important papers. Two weeks ago, the students elected Student Governing Council members. The exercise was marred by incidents of violence and malpractices which led the results to be announced a week later. Upto date, some haven’t accepted the results yet. Some still feel shortchanged. It’s finally Monday morning and the exams are supposed to start by 9 am. Many students haven’t acquired the relevant documents yet they have every right to have acquired the same. The exams eventually kick off but many aren’t in the exam rooms yet. This makes many deraged. To add salt to their woes, the administration can’t give any explanations about the reason for the delay in exam card issuance. The enraged students then seek an audience with the new Vice Chancellor Prof. Otieno but instead of him addressing their concerns, he goes ahead and calls for police presence in the university. The peaciful request by the students now deteroriates to chaos, stone throwing and running battles with the police. Teargas canisters are thrown everywhere and together with the rubber bullets being fired, the police finally manage to chase the students out of university premises. Once the students get out, the boda boda operators seem to be in support of the police and in the chaos two motorbikes are set ablaze by the now violent students. They then block the Kakamega Webuye highway causing a paralysis of any form of transport on the road. The situation is deteroriating fast, many students have been hacked by these motorbike operatives, ladies raped and some students are rumoured to be dead. One student has been rushed to hospital having been burnt with boiling water. This sees the releasing of a memo demanding all students to vacate university hostels by 7.30pm Monday evening. Although the memo is signed by the senate, its accuracy and truth is questioned by many which causes more confusion. Where do we run to at 8pm in the night? Outside campus is very dangerous…this is the question in many minds of the students residing in campus most of whom are first years. Boda boda operatives are forcing their entry into lady hosts and doing unspeakable things to the young ladies.. The police aren’t helping the situation in any way. They are waiting for windows to be broken for them to throw teargas canisters inside the residential places. When did it become acceptable for police to be in cohorts with hooligans and attack students. When did it become acceptable for them to combine forces? Mak you, the students were just demonstrating peacifully until the police started attacking them. The gas is chocking many and its an issue of running for ones life. The students are running away from police only to run into boda boda operators who are armed with machetes. They are slashing anyone they suspect to be a student… They even have guts to enter into students’ rooms and attack peaciful students who have nothing to do with what’s happening just a few yards away. The night rages on… The students fight on… They have to survive… They have to be safe… Casualties increase… Its a warpath. Fortunately the rain cools down the rising temperatures an inch.. It’s Tuesday. Those residing in campus are chased out like dogs by the police being deployed to the school. Ward 5 and 6 in Kakamega PGH provide the scene and proof of what transpired the previous night. The hospital can’t confirm the rape cases or cases of those dead. However, a worker at the hospital says that those dead are about 4. The morgue only has one body of a student. One is then tempted to ask, where are the other 3 bodies? Rumours of the number of those dead being more than 4 can’t escape the ears. While most media outlets are talking of 12 casualties, the number of the injured is more than 50… Demanding for a basic right, to sit for exams, becomes this bloody.. Is it right?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:57:18 +0000

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