The face of a fool, and quintessential dick-head, nerd, asshole, - TopicsExpress


The face of a fool, and quintessential dick-head, nerd, asshole, weasel, Joel Scrotum, also, he looks a lot like Elmer Fudd and/or Mr. Magoo. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers or transplanted Mariners from the abyss called Ohio(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, Kenny F. Grant, Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks,Kenny Grant.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Joel Scrotum Shroder speaks: Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Thus spake, the moron, Joel Scrotum. Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! Joel Shroder Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers or daughters with fathers, so typical those that live in Maine, and were born raised in the abyss, Ohio, and than transplanted to Maine, thus making him a Mainer, with rest of the dredges of society--- either way you are a moron. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, G.K., Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks, G.K.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Edited · Like · Reply · More · 4 minutes ago Joel Shroder Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Like · 1 · Reply · Nov 14, 2013 1 reply Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, or transplanted from Ohio, Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus-----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers ---or daughters with fathers, or sons with mothers. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, G.K., Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks, G.K.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Edited · Like · Reply · More · 4 minutes ago Joel Shroder Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Like · 1 · Reply · Nov 14, 2013 1 reply Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers or daughters with fathers, sons with mothers--so typical those that live in Maine. Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Six months to write that reply? Impressive. Also, Im from Ohio. Like · Delete · Thursday at 6:01pm Douglas Gauld Yeah, but you teach in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, right? Also, I just got your post for some reason. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 6:08pm Douglas Gauld Ohio, only person who is not a cretinous wanker from Ohio, is John Glenn and his family. Like · More · Thursday at 7:48pm Douglas Gauld If you live in Maine, you are a Mainer---maybe not to natives, but you are a Mainer nevertheless. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 7:50pm Douglas Gauld Additionally, it is irrelevant when I choose to respond to your sophomoric and presumptuous remarks. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 8:19pm Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld added 2 new photos. 10 hours ago · Edited The face of a fool, and quintessential dick-head, nerd, asshole, weasel, Joel Scrotum, also, he looks a lot like Elmer Fudd and/or Mr. Magoo. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers or transplanted Mariners from the abyss called Ohio(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, Kenny F. Grant, Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks,Kenny Grant.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Joel Scrotum Shroder speaks: Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Thus spake, the moron, Joel Scrotum. Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! Joel Shroder Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers or daughters with fathers, so typical those that live in Maine, and were born raised in the abyss, Ohio, and than transplanted to Maine, thus making him a Mainer, with rest of the dredges of society--- either way you are a moron. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, G.K., Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks, G.K.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Edited · Like · Reply · More · 4 minutes ago Joel Shroder Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Like · 1 · Reply · Nov 14, 2013 1 reply Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, or transplanted from Ohio, Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus-----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers ---or daughters with fathers, or sons with mothers. For all you ignorant and stupid Mainers(being redundant) like Joel Scrotum, or is it Shroder, those who live in Maine, and those unlucky enough to have gone to and graduated from that sham of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, I am, a 1973, Graduate of Hyde School Bath, Maine with a diploma, when a diploma meant something; and it means nothing now, especially if you graduated when Ed Legg was headmaster during 1980-1985. Actually the success of any student or faculty member of Hyde School Bath, ME, or Hyde School, Woodstock, CT, the boarding College Prep Schools of Hyde Schools, or the numerous Charter Hyde Schools in Washington D.C., Bronx, NY, Brooklyn, NY, New Haven, CT, Oakland, CA, and others has more to do with the ideas of Hitler than they do with the ideas of Jefferson. At Hyde, dissent is not tolerated towards Hyde Dogma. Whereas, Jefferson was all about freedoms of dissent, as evidenced by our US Constitutions Bill of Rights, right to free speech, protest, free press, etc. So, I think this photo of Hitler and Hyde School go together very well. Hitlers ideas of comformity to his rule and dogma were as absolute as Hydes insistence on conformity to Hydes dogma, or the rule of the meritocracy, as it were. From left to right, Paul Hurd, deposed former headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, Me,, fired by his brother in law, Malcolm, Gauld, President for Hyde Schools, for plagiarizing his Commencement speech, why he would want to plagiarize anything Malcolm Gaulds had written is beyond me; Georgia GiGi Gauld McMilian, married to the current headmaster of Hyde-Bath, Don, Mc Millian, Jeff Jennings, Hyde Bath, 72, and Laurie Hurd Gauld, former Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, Me, took over for her husband, Paul Hurd, as I said, as he was fired by Malcom Gauld for plariarizing the formers speech. Sounds like an soap opera, doesnt it. Well, thats Hyde School! So, thusly, these are my inspired thoughs of Hyde School, and the relatively recent history of leadership changes at Hyde School, Bath, ME, the original campus, and where Malcom Gauld, office is located. Before Don McMillian became headmaster of Hyde School, Bath, ME, Laurie Gauld Hurd was Head-of-School of Hyde Bath, ME, for a few years after Paul Hurd was forced to resign as Headmaster because he plagiarized one of Malcolm Gaulds former speeches, and Paul delivered that plagiarized speech at Commencement, or graduation. This is something you dont do in Academia, even at Hyde, where Hyde School only pays lip service to the Truth, is plagiarize anything. So, it was decreed by, Malcolm Gauld, that Paul had to go; so, Paul resigned. Well there was an exhaustive nation wide search for a new head master, and after several months, guess who Malcolm chose for the new headmaster? His own sister, Laurie Gauld Hurd, Pauls wife. What a ruse and farce! As if anybody but a Gauld, or someone married to a Gauld would be selected! Well, after a few years as head-of-School, Laurie decided that she was over her head in this job and resigned; she and Paul are retired and live off a substantial estate that he inherited from his father. They live in a million dollar plus ocean front mansion near Bath, ME. Also, Malcolm has two houses, a large one that the school provides him near the campus and his office in Bath, but they also have a million dollar plus beach house, or ocean front mansion in Georgetown, ME, also near Bath, ME. It is amasing what a tax free status, and the Hyde Board of Directors will do for the top Gauld Hiearchy, and of course the 50,000.00 dollars plus they charge each student to go to Hyde per year. What a rip off, and you get second rate academic eduaction there anyway! Academics are totally secondary to seminars, parents weekends, family so called learning center requirement, school meetings, all of which are a sham and bogus in their nature and practice. Enough of the lineage and leadership shake ups for now. Do you know how Joe Gauld came back to Hyde School, the school he founded, and after was promply forced to resign from by the Board of Directors in 1980? He was forced to resign over extreme teaching methods, physically hitting, punching students, he thought had bad attitudes, and for dating recent female Hyde graduates. Well, after a several year exodus from Hyde, Joe Gauld raised $500,000 dollars from a large contributor, Ben Black, and forced the Board to accept him back, or they would not get these funds; Hyde had fallen on financial hard times, and the Board reluctanly accepted him back, and Joe promply had a new Board installed, and fired most of the teachers. That is how Joe came back. This happened in 1985. The long and short of it is that Hyde pays only lip service to the truth, as they have, Joe, Malcolm, G.K., Laurie and even Gauld children have tried to have me censored on Facebook, including yesterday, 10/11/12, (thanks, G.K.), for telling the truth as I see it about Hyde School. The Gaulds, and those married to Gaulds, the arrogant ( I dont need meetings anymore) that run Hyde School are mostly into the fame and fortune they have aquired in running Hyde Schools, the institutions of deplorably poor academics, and fraudulent alternative educational practices. What a completely cruel joke Hyde School is! Yes, unfortunately, this is my Uncle Joes children, my fathers brother, and my first cousins; sad, isnt it? Despite their significant achievements, they are in deep denial of some very serious character flaws, and they are in even deeper denial of their very arrogant attitudes toward life and others too. Like·Comment Douglas Gauld Joel, you might not like what I write about, but there is nothing wrong with my writing, or my character-- as to my anger, I have long since dealt with those issues-have you ? Also, I am a Hyde School Bath, Maine, graduate, class of 1973--- with a diploma, when a diploma meant something, not when Ed Legg was headmaster, and the vastly watered down and perverted Hyde process that you went through. Also I am an alumnus, 1977, BA, philosophy, Tulane University, J.D., Birmingham, School of Law, 2000, Salve Regina University, MA counseling, 2008.What was the extent of your education, cretin? Also, I taught at Hyde School -Woodstock, Ct, for a year---2000-2001, summer intern, Hyde, Bath , ME, 1976, faculty summer intern, Hyde School, Bath, Maine, 1991. I know what I am talking about when it comes to that travesty, sham, of a prep school, Hyde School, Bath, Maine----besides being highly presumptuous, you are clearly a moron; after all, you do live in Maine, where ignorance and stupidity is a given. Edited · Like · Reply · More · 4 minutes ago Joel Shroder Dear Douglas. As a Hyde school graduate (class of 82), I can only conclude that you are an angry, little man. Also, had I as little control of the conventions of standard English as you demonstrate, II would hesitate to critique the academic credentials of a school that I did not attend or matriculate from. Like · 1 · Reply · Nov 14, 2013 1 reply Glenn Schneider Remember the Investigation?? I was one of the lucky few who was rescued to finsh up at Bangor High that year. Your uncle is a despicable person. When I questioned him about the Time Magazine article (Just before the truncation was completed), he cursed at me in such an abusive and demeaning way. He should talk like that to me now. Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Glenn Schneider Im ready to write the Book on 85- I was there and COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! Like · Reply · 1 hour ago Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld This is the picture of ignorance and stupidity, I.e., you are looking at a Mainer, ey, huh, by Jesus----Joel Scrotum is the prodegeny of in- breeding, of sisters and brothers or daughters with fathers, sons with mothers--so typical those that live in Maine. Joel Shroder Dec 16, 2013 Like·Comment·Share Joel Shroder Six months to write that reply? Impressive. Also, Im from Ohio. Like · Delete · Thursday at 6:01pm Douglas Gauld Yeah, but you teach in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, right? Also, I just got your post for some reason. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 6:08pm Douglas Gauld Ohio, only person who is not a cretinous wanker from Ohio, is John Glenn and his family. Like · More · Thursday at 7:48pm Douglas Gauld If you live in Maine, you are a Mainer---maybe not to natives, but you are a Mainer nevertheless. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 7:50pm Douglas Gauld Additionally, it is irrelevant when I choose to respond to your sophomoric and presumptuous remarks. Edited · Like · More · Thursday at 8:19pm Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share 陳開明 likes this.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 05:49:25 +0000

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