The fact dispute between John Boehner a Jew to sue against Obama a - TopicsExpress


The fact dispute between John Boehner a Jew to sue against Obama a Jew to Supreme Court that judges of supreme court are also Jews, so, it is drama, nothing will happened against them but if Boehner sue against non-Jew, it will be against non-Jew, the fact they are making people of USA and rest the world foolish and nobody know how long will take that Jews make people of the world foolish, the fact, Boehner and Obama on covert cooperate each other against Christian in USA and rest the world by follow Israel government policy and overt are against each other by drama. Obama Hardly Ever Uses Executive Orders But Boehner Wants to Sue Him Anyway House Speaker John Boehner says that he plans on suing President Obama for eroding the power of the legislative branch through his use The fact, Jews control against everyone one by one Saeid Naghib 13 minutes ago via Yahoo Failure Notice MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. : Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 s4si7691577qay.65 - gsm Today at 12:33 AM . The fact, now Jews are revenging against Iraq that before long centuries ago (Babylonians ruled the territories Iraq occupies today for thousands of years. ... The name of Iraq) Because of Jews were slave and prison of Babylonians, even Jews did not care for Iran by name of before was Persian that Cyrus the king of Persian was the great for Jews that he attacked to Iraq to make Jews freedom from jail of Babylon and save their life and marriage with a Jew woman to give legacy of his royalty to Jews who got their basic of power from Persian that now and before to rule against the world, but unfortunately Jews have forgotten the Iranian gave favor for Jews who has destroyed Iran by Khomeini a Jew even they are destroying USA, England, Russia, France and China and rest the world that their high and highest of their governments and all their civil servants of military and forces are Jews that Jews by wrong discipline of them to rule against them and against their countries for favor of Israel government that future of situation of many countries special USA, Russia, England, France and China will be worse than situation of Syria and Iraq recently. So, Jews are not care who is their enemy or friend, only they want money and power and work for favor their Jew racial that the fact their religion is total of their racial, money and power, even they don’t believe God and Moses as their prophet, if they do, it is drama that they are enemy of non- Jews entire word to cooperate and support each other and hided their Jew identification as spy against all the world they are favor of Israel government to get high and highest position from long centuries ago up now to rule against non-Jews entire world So, no way many countries special USA, England, Russia, France, and China for save their countries, except their military and forces of their countries to cooperate each other to dismiss their high and highest position and their main staff that they are Jews by beginning of right revolution for their countries, then to pass the laws that according to law, everyone have to mention their true identification (racial, religion and nationality) on all their identification cards, for false information to face death and try to guide and make understand non-Christian entire world to give up their religion problem that have been created by Jews for making dispute and wars against nations each other for their favor. So, if people focus for example USA that result of built of the highest building that more than 90 percent of them are belong Jews either hided their Jew identification or not that Jews got by slave and kidnap black people to Europe and USA and by force and dispute and created a lot of false religion and wars against people entire world from long centuries ago up now If people focus and watch TV or other propaganda, they watch either advertise favor of Jews or useless drama or movie or useless news and non-true, only can watch or hear useless and false news from USA propaganda sources and rest the world that most time for example people watch about animals, how they died or born and else or discuss with Jews who guide non-Jew people wrong ways, not any news about many tragedies is going happened by Jews or other and wrong decision of their federal government against people of USA and people of rest people entire world.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 01:05:37 +0000

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