The fact of the matter is ALL of the net job gains over the last - TopicsExpress


The fact of the matter is ALL of the net job gains over the last 14 years went to legal and illegal immigrants. As Mick Jagger once said we are no longer interested in any compromised solutions. {Street Fighting Man, Rolling Stones}. It is not fair to Legal Citizens and the flow must be stopped dead in its tracks immediately. All recent immigrants should be sent directly home, costing us a mere 8 million, verses, 3.7 BILLION just to keep digging ourselves deeper and deeper into debt. Even now, every year nearly 45 Billion dollars is being siphoned out of the US economy and sent back to families in Mexico, Central and South America. No wonder these governments want to see this Ponzi scheme continue. And it is about time we recognize that both parties are mere shills for the global banks and corporations. As usual they want cheaper labor and reduced benefits: something the Legal Citizens of this country can ill afford as we face our own set of humanitarian crisis. I am running as a write-in candidate for POTUS in 2016. If anyone dare have me on their radio show to discuss this, and other planks of my platform, I am available. Please read, watch and share the following links if you agree with what Im saying here. Bruce W. Cain [email protected] Why We Must Stop Obamas Illegal Immigrant Invasion https://youtube/watch?v=hrFFUEgQMPA Why We Must Stop the Illegal Invasion of Vassar Michigan and other US Cities https://facebook/notes/bruce-cain/why-we-must-stop-the-illegal-invasion-of-vassar-michigan-and-other-us-cities/922974021061920 Why We Must Stop Obamas Illegal Immigrant Invasion YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 04:46:15 +0000

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