The fact that the uk prime minister cannot come to Scotland and - TopicsExpress


The fact that the uk prime minister cannot come to Scotland and fight to keep us in this one sided ruling (union) is all the information you need to vote yes ! He cannot be the person to run(ruin) our country if his very presence has a negative effect for the no campaign ! He says he is not the person to debate the first minister because he is not the head of the no campaign ... ? Alex salmond is not the head of the yes campaign !! If anyone is still in any doubt one country being ruled by another country is not normal ! Voting yes is not nationalism it is normalisim!! All they want is our massive wealth and massive resources !! Scotlands pays 60 billion a year into this union and gets half back as pocket money Westminster spends the other 30 billion as they see fit for example 4 billion interest on their debt, on top of serving their debt ! paying for trident, the unelected House of Lords ( Liebour and Tory donors) London infrastructure the list goes on and on !! Meanwhile over a million scots live in absolute poverty !! There is no positive case for the union thats why their tactic has been to try and scare us into submission !! ... Project fear... Cameron its more like project fearty !! Vote yes
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:11:31 +0000

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