The fact that theres controversy over whether or not Jesus is God, - TopicsExpress


The fact that theres controversy over whether or not Jesus is God, indeed is proof that he is God. How so? Well think about it. God, throughout the entire Old Testament, is adamant about the fact that he is God alone, the sole creator of the universe. He says over and over again that hes a jealous God and will not share his glory with others. Hes the only SAVIOUR and there is NONE like him. Then we have the New Testament that is entirely and explicitly about Jesus. The reader is told to believe in HIM, to look to HIM, to live for HIM. Now if Jesus were not God, would it make sense for scripture to be so focused on Him, especially in light of what we read about God in the Old Testament? People debate over this because of all the attention Jesus gets. Nobody argues about whether Moses is God, or Elijah, or Isaiah, or any of the Angels. Its only Jesus that gets that attention. People may try to say you are wrong for believing that Jesus is God. But if you claimed that any other biblical character was God, theyd tell you that you are insane; and rightly so. If Jesus was not God, then thered never be the slightest discussion about his being God. Because he wouldnt get the attention and honor that he receives in the Bible. God didnt command absolute obedience and praise to himself and himself only, only to create a side kick named Jesus and have the entire Bible point to Him.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:02:08 +0000

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