The fact that your soul speaks to you in feeling states makes it - TopicsExpress


The fact that your soul speaks to you in feeling states makes it important to clear away any unresolved emotional energy from the past. Unresolved emotions can interfere with your ability to interpret the feeling states of your soul. When you successfully heal past emotional traumas, you have the clarity to receive the messages of your soul’s feeling states. The energy of your thoughts carries you into timelines or life tracks that are aligned with their frequency. When you move in the direction of a timeline aligned with the desires of your soul, you feel a deep sense of joy and anticipation. Sometimes there is a lightness of being that brings a quiet certainty to everything you do. By contrast, when your thoughts carry you toward a timeline that is not aligned with the desires of your soul, you may experience uneasiness even though everything may look good through the lens of conscious reasoning. Following Soul Desires Attracts Life Force Energy The further you move along a timeline that your soul does not desire, the heavier and more weighed down you feel. This is because you are unable to pull in the life force energy to help you move along this life track. When you move along timelines aligned with your highest potentials, your soul downloads life force energy to help you. When you radiate this enhanced life force flow, you draw what you need to manifest your spiritual purpose. People show up to assist you, resources manifest as they’re needed, and you feel empowered and energized to do whatever is needed to bring your visions into physical reality. When you choose to move along life tracks that are not aligned with the wishes of your soul, you will not find this level of assistance available. In fact, energy-wise, you may feel tired and fatigued and your efforts seem to encounter resistance at every turn. This heaviness is an indicator that you are draining the resources of your body’s battery reserves to power the unsupported timeline. A Unified Mind and Spirit Radiates an Amazing Lightness of Being When a decision appears before you, chart the course with your mind’s expert reasoning ability but also allow your soul to weigh in through its subtle feeling states. You can practice making daily choices in this way, asking your soul to speak so you can learn to recognize its feeling states. Once you learn to recognize and align with the wishes of your soul, every moment becomes a journey of discovery that radiates a lightness of being on the path of joy and spiritual awakening. DL Zeta
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 02:42:53 +0000

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