The facts on Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare in the House - TopicsExpress


The facts on Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare in the House of Representatives are that six times the House passed a measure that would have actually repealed Obamacare, while providing ways to offer healthcare coverage to the 18 percent of American citizens who had no healthcare, either through their employer or on their own. The House also passed an additional, more than 50 other measures that would have limited Obamacare. None of the 60 measures were ever even put up for a vote in the Democrat-controlled US Senate. Not even a vote was allowed by Democrat Harry Reid, who heads the Senate. So far, the only limitations to Obamacare, delaying many parts of the overall law, have come from Presidential orders issued by President Barack Obama or through other Democrat Party-controlled agencies. Republicans have not been able to change, slow down and certainly not to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare belongs 100 percent to the Democrat Party. By the way, the figures I have seen indicate that prior to Obamacare, 18 percent of Americans had no healthcare insurance, but since Obamacare that figure has only dropped by 2 percent. In other words, the people who Obamacare supporters said would benefit the most, have not seen any significant improvement in their situation. The President is proud of Obamacare -- it is and will always be his signature accomplishment as President of the United States. However, the overall goal of Obamacare wasnt and still isnt to provide better healthcare insurance to Americans; the goal is to wipe out the private insurance industry and replace it with a government-run insurance. To attempt that would have been a greater disaster for the Democrat Party than Obamacare has already been. Thus, the Democrats have nudged America towards their ultimate goal of a complete government takeover of all aspects of health care through Obamacare. I do wonder if the seven million signups to Obamacare the President and Democrats are bragging about include those, like me, who are turning 65 and are joining Medicare. Since only a trickle of Americans previously without healthcare insurance now have it, I also wonder how many of the seven million President Obama is bragging about are those who lost their insurance as a result of Obamacare and were thus forced into at least trying to sign up for Obamacare. Does the seven million also include all the Americans 26 and younger who have been added to their parents healthcare plans? I read somewhere that number is more than three million. Some Americans have, no doubt, been helped by Obamacare. It appears far greater number of Americans have been hurt by Obamacare, either by a change in their insurance coverage when they didnt want it, a change in their personal physicians when they didnt want it, and through higher insurance rates, many of those increases very damaging. The jury is still out on the overall impacts of Obamacare; a whole lot of jurors will be voting in the November elections, when Obamacare will be a primary election issue that all Democrat candidates will have to face. Lets see what happens.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:27:17 +0000

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