The failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude to - TopicsExpress


The failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude to being a victim of what is criminally wrong..... Zig Ziglar First of all,I like to wish all my ( IJEBU IMUSIN) People, happy new year, this shall be a year of resounding success in every sphere of Our lives. Pondering on action steps capable of returning IJEBU IMUSIN to Her place of pride in Ogun State and Nigeria at large. I submit that the onus is still very much on Us (Youth) to show enormous concern in the issues that affects Us as a People, especially that of governance. We often complain and lament about the performance(s) of some of Our elected/ selected.To me, we seem to be part of their selection and eventual election through our lackadaisical and complacent disposition towards party politics. In the last couple of weeks, I have attended some political meetings at the ward and L.G.A level. Sincerely, it was extremely rare to find an intelligent, vibrant and future oriented young people in those gatherings. In the game of football, it is commonsensical that you put your first eleven forward so as to win a match, what option will the coach be left with if the first eleven decides not to be available?That is the situation in IJEBU IMUSIN politics presently. How many of Our Councillors, Chairman & House of Assembly representative are vibrant and pro people? Were the intelligent ones available and actively involved in party politics? Our L.G.A are moribund, the helmsmen are not really accountable to Us because we do not show sufficient interest in how our funds are been allocated and spent. How then will we achieve the development we all clamour for? As 2015 gradually gets close,I beseech Us all, especially the youth and the intelligents as to be actively involved politics, starting from your ward, be involved in deciding who becomes your next councillor and so on.There is nothing stoping you from contesting for any position, if you know you are capable of delivering the dividends of democracy to Our people. It is my prayer that God will help Us, but I also know that God will not do for man that which He has empowered him to do. Once we are able to get Our governance right, every other facet will fall in line. NEVER SHOULD WE ALLOW THOSE CONSIDERED TO BE ANALOGUE TO RULE OVER US IN THIS DIGITAL AGE, I so submit. IJEBU IMUSIN forward march. God bless IJEBU IMUSIN.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 11:59:44 +0000

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