The fight had continued violently atop of the moving hovercraft, - TopicsExpress


The fight had continued violently atop of the moving hovercraft, days without proper food and intense challenges making both of the girls weaker and weaker with every minute and every move. It was only a matter of time before one of them would leave the world. Saoirse watched in fear, guilt and surprise as her attack was completely lethal. She thrusted forwards with her scimitar, and her opponent had failed to move in time. The sword sliced straight through the centre of her abdomen, and she watched as her ex-friends eyes looked up at her in betrayal and fear. Im sorry. Saoirse choked out, pulling the sword away so that the blood would come gushing out of the wound. Im sorry, Adena, Im so sorry. I had to win. *BOOM* Adenas body fell lifeless onto the hovercraft, before staying like that permanently. Get in. Saoirse heard a voice shout muffledly against the roaring wind, and figured it was whichever Gamemaker was flying. She sat down on the edge of the craft and saw the door was open, and quickly turned herself around so that when she dropped into the craft she was facing inwards. Once she was in, realism set in. She was shaking, her heart was racing and she was guilty. Shed killed her best friend, all for survival. Well done. The male voice said from behind the wheel, but she ignored him. Instead, she shuffled across the wall before collapsing down onto the floor. She curled her legs in towards her chest, and placed her head on her knees. And then? She wept. {ONE MONTH LATER} Hey, how you holding up? The 35 year old Victor spoke softly towards the youngster, her voice laced with wisdom and comfort. The two had both been taken hostage after the Games, by Ryder, and were taken to an unknown location. It wasnt exactly the nicest of situations - especially so for Saoirse, knowing neither of the Gamemakers.. Im holding up okay. Her voice was hoarse and croaky, sounding alien to her own ears. Still fighting. What about you? She looked up and down at her new found friend and companion, seeing that she looked just as bad as Saoirse. Im managing. Ryder knows me better than he does you, so he knows how to get to me. You on the other hand.. She trailed off suggestively, and the younger Victor could only guess she didnt say the rest so to not scare her as much. They were sat in a blank room like that of a prison cell, with just two beds. Nothing else - just beds. Twice a day they would be given food. Twice a day they would.. The sounds of bolts unfastening from the large steel door scared the two girls, and Saoirse found herself inching herself away from the door and pressing her back against the wall. She curled herself up so she looked small and frail, her entire body shaking with fear. Saoirrrrr-seee. Ryder smirked in a sing-song voice as he entered the room, his eyes dancing with a sadistic glint in them. Your turn. No! Jennifer screamed at the man she once worked with, jumping to her feet and pouncing on him. Dont bloody touch her! Leave us alone! Her voice was piercing in his ear, but being larger he managed to easily get her off him. He pulled her off his side before throwing her to the floor, a loud thud being heard as her head hit the base of the wall. Jen? Saoirse sounded scared, and she sat herself up and looked alarmingly over at the girl. Jen! She rose her voice in panic and quickly ran over to her, placing two fingers on her neck to feel for a pulse. She sighed in relief when she found one. Just out cold. Come along now, little hoe. He grabs her viciously by the shoulder and shoves her up on her feet. He takes her wrists and ties them tightly behind her back. Walk. He uses his knee to push her forwards, and she unwillingly obliged. *** This is wrong. Saoirses voice was broken, but she had no tears left to cry. They were all dried out. Youre not supposed to torture people, this is wrong. Youre a rebel, you should know of all people that this is wrong! She screamed the last word at him, pulling at the ties on her legs and wrists. Ryder had tied her to a chair so she couldnt escape. You shut your mouth! Ryder spat at her and slapped her across the face. You know nothing about wrong. You killed in those Games to be alive, and now look where you are. Would you rather be dead, like those 31 other tributes? What about the 737 other tributes who have died in the past 32 Games! He too was screaming in her face, and she had to tilt it to the side so that she wouldnt get the full fury of his wrath. You dont know what its like to suffer so much pain in life. I have seen so many deaths. Youre a child - youre 18 years old, whereas I am 41. I have lived to see all of these Games take place - you will never realise how much people have suffered compared to you. His voice was vile, hateful, to which she didnt understand why. She never did anything - she was on his side! Dont you bloody dare say I dont know true pain. Snorly-Kasimer whatever the fricking hell his name is.. He killed my entire family in front of my eyes in those Games! And you let him, you and your stupid Gamemaker pals. My boyfriend, father, brother, mother - theyre dead because of you! Saoirses throat was pained from the screaming, and her voice was becoming like her torturers - vile and cruel. Because you have never suffered that and youll never know what its li- Saoirses voice was cut off by Ryder throwing a punch at the side of her jaw. She cried out in pain, wriggling her jaw slightly. She muttered something incoherent but rude underneath her breath. I know what pain is. I bombed my own District, because they got.. they got somebody I cared about. You hear me? I /bombed/ my /own/ District. Killed my own people. Now his voice was full of rage, and Saoirse could have sworn there were faint tears in his eyes. Somebody he cared about.. family? Partner? She watched as in his anger-fueled rage, he pulled his arm back before snapping it forwards again and.. Black. ~Saoirse
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:13:58 +0000

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