The final debate highlighted the arrest of Dr Amin Mekki Medani, a - TopicsExpress


The final debate highlighted the arrest of Dr Amin Mekki Medani, a human rights lawyer who was arrested by government forces in Sudan 3 weeks ago The third and final human rights debate of the morning, was about the arrest of a human rights lawyer in Sudan. Dr. Amin Mekki Medani was arrested by government forces just under two weeks ago, after he and other activists signed a political agreement known as the Sudan Call, which called for an end to one-party rule in the country and a transitional government. Motion supported Outlining her support for todays motion on Sudan, Dutch Green MEP Judith Sargentini says that the Sudanese government has no respect for human rights. She says that the recent arrests of three human rights activists calls into question whether the EU should continue participating with the country as part of the so-called Kartoum Process South Sudan independence Sudan, which has been ruled by Omar Hassan al-Bashir since he came to power in a military coup in 1989, was split into two countries in July 2011 after the people of the south voted for independence. Although the government of Sudan gave its blessing to the newly independent state, various outstanding secession issues - especially the question of shared oil revenues and the exact border demarcation - have continued to create tensions between the two successor countries. Debate closes Closing the third and final human rights debate, Mr Della Vedova says the Council of Ministers supports todays motion, telling MEPs that Dr. Amin Mekki Medani is a man of great moral stature. He says the Council calls for his release, as well as the release of all political prisoners in Sudan. Votes begin Thats the end of the human rights debate on Sudan. Sudan resolution approved MEPs have also backed the resolution condemning the arrest of Dr. Amin Mekki Medani, a human rights lawyer in Sudan. The motion is backed by 582 votes to 1, with 57 abstentions. The European Parliament 18 December 2014
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 18:15:12 +0000

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