The final number of horses rounded up and removed would add up to - TopicsExpress


The final number of horses rounded up and removed would add up to 1,265. During the Wed. morning round up, we had a startling experience with a member of the Rock Springs Grazing Association who came roaring up to our observation point in their truck, (remember we are 3 miles away), and began an accusatory, contentious attack on “you people.” We were minding our own business, taking photos of the horse dots, sitting in the designated area for observers--watching the helicopters--when this personal attack was unleashed full of false accusations. After their insisting on getting our names and contact info (which we refused) and making inflammatory, false accusations, the BLM diffused the situation and asked them to get back in their truck and they eventually left. The 2 BLM people that were there with us, including the BLM Ranger, handled it well and calmed things down, but I can’t help but wonder: How would this would have proceeded if we would have been the aggressive, contentious people accusing the RSGA of vile things. Would we have not gotten off so easily?
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:41:37 +0000

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