The final solution to the Indian problem is in view in the - TopicsExpress


The final solution to the Indian problem is in view in the state-tribal water compact signed by treaty illiterate Earl Old Person, which includes all allotted water rights and trust landowners left on the reservation, some 900,000 acres. Do you really want Earl Old Person to decide your future? First of all the Blackfeet landowners are sitting on an ocean of underground aquifers, especially at Starr School area and west of Browning where the town of Browning gets its water from allotted land and the landowner got nothing. There is a water well a block from the tribal office where tribal members used to get their water for free until the BIA capped it so we have to pay the town for our water which we own. But after water negotiation of Chairman Old Person the tribe and allotted landowners gave up all right and title to all water uses forever and we go under state water court and the Montana Department of Natural Resources approval of any tribal or allotted water development including water marketing for bottled water or if Coca Cola or Budweiser wants to bottle their products on the reservation which are rich royalties and high paying jobs for Blackfeet landowners. Chinese Government Buyers were in the tribal office offering to purchase any Blackfeet products including beef, water, oil, or anything the Blackfeet could produce. When I was tribal water planner I brought in a water attorney who brought in a Wall Street Securities Firm who met with the tribal council and offered $50 million dollars in loans to get the Blackfeet water resources developed and he told the tribal council the tribal water rights should produce $500 million annually in profits for the tribe and tribal landowners and that they owned the Equitable Insurance Company which owned hundreds of other businesses which would purchase any Blackfeet water or products- a guaranteed market for the Blackfeet cattle ranchers and landowners. What did Earl and Archie do? They ran him off the reservation because the last thing tribal dictators or BIA want is rich Blackfeet Indians. One tribal employee said,Oh that $500 million will look good when we go for our poverty grants.! The Wall Street banker said, why would you need poverty grants? We are the prisoners of the tribal council and BIA and the only way out is to organize to give ourselves a voice who own everything on this reservation. I was fired by the tribal council and banished for my efforts. The president of the Wall Street Firm said the investors money would go to the highest return for the investors and he left town with a puzzled look on his face; like who turns down $500 million dollars forever? I was thrown out of the 2010 state-tribal water compact public meeting in the tribal office for bringing up the Blackfeet forced patents claims, which by the way will be extinguished forever if we approve the compact which is already approved by the tribal council and is awaiting the Montana Legislature approval in January, 2015 but they would like to approve it today so one sided it is for the white man. We will be poor forever if this compact gets approved.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:43:03 +0000

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