The first 401K generation is retiring and like all Republican - TopicsExpress


The first 401K generation is retiring and like all Republican ideas, it doesnt look pretty for the working class. (Read about it here: The Republicans since 2011 have blocked a new regulation on financial advisers that simply says they cant consider how much money they make off the trade they recommend but must focus on what is best for YOU! What do you know? In between working uniquely American low-paying jobs, seems working people really arent all armchair day-traders and handing your golden years over to Wall Street Banksters was a very bad idea. But, 401k plans were the Republicans way of destroying guaranteed pensions and lining the pockets of Wall Street. You see, Republicans dont govern to create a functioning society that works for all - they govern to suck profit from the people like parasites suck life from a host. So... in order to give average people a fighting chance against the behemoth of greed, Democrats and the Labor Department have been trying to impose a fiduciary duty on financial professionals who oversee retirement accounts, barring them from considering the potential profits of their own firm when choosing investments. Meaning, our government of WE, THE PEOPLE has been trying to do what WE, THE PEOPLE created a government to do - regulate greed for the betterment of the society in which we all live. But, AS USUAL, REPUBLICANS ARE BLOCKING THE RULE. In other words, Republicans dont want to burden Wall Street with the pesky little annoyance of having to act in the best interests of the people whose money theyre tasked with managing. Republicans are BLOCKING the rule so their Wall Street benefactors can sell Ma and Pa SUCKER as many sh*tty deals as they can get away with - and laugh all the way to the bank while Ma and Pa SUCKER spend what was going to be their golden years as Walmart greeters. In other words, Republicans WANT Wall Street to have the freedom to rip you off - illustrating, yet again, that anyone who votes for them is a useful idiot in the war against the working class.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:15:41 +0000

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